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How can I take this crush further?


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I recently got back in touch with an old friend. We live 2 hrs. apart but he's supposed to me moving closer within the next year. I've only seen him twice in the past two years, but have connected on facebook. At first I thought he was just being friendly, but I'm starting to wonder know if he's interested in more. He usually 'likes' or comments on pretty much everything I say. However, it's usually only a comment or two and once others join in he pretty much disappears. He knows I have a few favorite pastimes and seems to always announce on fb when he has one of these activities planned. We do not message very often but when he did he mentioned something we should talk about when we see each other....even though we have no set plans to 'see each other'. Lastly, my son is VERY into model airplanes and in a conversation about them he offered to take my son to the flight field to see and fly some of the models there. I know he got out of a bad relationship a little over a year ago and I went through a divorce myself at the beginning of the year. I do not want to be blunt and ask him anything and risk scaring him off if he's wanting to take things slow, but I find myself developing a crush on him and don't want it to go any further if he just wants to be friends.

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If he's interested, he will get in touch.


This makes everything easy for you so long as you don't wait by the phone or stalk him on FB. Just keep doing your thing and if he's attracted to that, you've found the right guy.

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