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From deep depression to anger/animosity

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Not the love ace

I'm sure most of you here by now know the little drama that I've been going through with myself for the past two weeks. Things have gotten better, I've seeked help went to a therpist and into a mental facility (not asylum hehe) and reassess my mind and thoughts.


I've been a little happier, more positive and my suicidal thoughts are pretty much gone and I don't have thoughts about ending my well being right now.


Though I'm not deep in depression, I'm not completely out of it. Now, I've been feeling bitter, angry, and have a chip on my shoulder. I've just been getting angry now because I was depressed and felt that I had no one there for me. I'm mad at relatives and friends because when I hit the ground, they all scattered.


I kind of don't want to be around anyone and I seriously have kind of a ton of animosity at my friends and want to punch them in the face. I don't want to hear from my family because now that I'm better, I'm "back in commission" for them to do things for them.


Its like I can never win in life. I don't want to be angry and walk around with a chip on my shoulder, become bitter, disgruntled and hold a grudge against anyone.


I don't feel like anyone, the world, or any of the gods owe me anything in life. Sometimes however, I do feel like everything I do amounts to nothing and I never get what I feel I deserve:mad:.


Anyone can give advice on how not to sweat anything? Clear my mind and just be positive? I just want to not hold anything against anyone and I don't want to go around and become a pessimistic person.

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