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Anybody got a satisfying substitute for coffee?

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Caffeine isn't all that friendly to certain portions of a lady's anatomy; at least if one is 'blessed' with 'youthful' portions. I didn't even drink coffee until a couple of years ago but because of the effects, I should give it up.


The caffeine does nothing for me; it's the taste I like (mind you, it's got to be double-double). I've tried some of the substitutes with chickory, etc. but they didn't taste good at all.


Has anybody found a real tasty coffee substitute that they'd care to recommend? Oh, and decaf makes my heart race, so that's out.

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can't say I can help much;


I had a HUGE caffiene problem about 5 months ago; I was up to 6 cans of mountain dew a day... blech. I shudder just thinking about those days now.



Anyway, I quit drinking soda purely because of the caloric intake, and I didn't even realise I was addicted to caffiene until I got awful headaches for a week, which pretty much convinced me to stop even more.


I've learned to love the taste of water. I know it will taste like crap after you've gotten used to drinking something else for years, but believe me, I feel SO MUCH better ever since I got off the caffiene.

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She wants to cut back on caffiene, mountain dew def does not do that. Do you like the taste of tea moimeme?

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I understand....I LOVE coffee. I even drink it while drinking beer. (Poor woman's speed ball!) LOL!


My Mom is an avid coffee lover who had to curb her ways. She likes the Eight'O'CLock coffee. I don't know if they have that in Canada. If they don't, I'd be happy to mail you some to try out.


I smoke cigarettes....hoping if I get in physical health trouble...the doctor will focus on THAT instead of telling me to quit coffee. I would DIE without my coffee!

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Originally posted by Arabess

I understand....I LOVE coffee. I even drink it while drinking beer. (Poor woman's speed ball!) LOL!


My Mom is an avid coffee lover who had to curb her ways. She likes the Eight'O'CLock coffee. I don't know if they have that in Canada. If they don't, I'd be happy to mail you some to try out.


I smoke cigarettes....hoping if I get in physical health trouble...the doctor will focus on THAT instead of telling me to quit coffee. I would DIE without my coffee!



Coffee beer while smoking, that can't be the healthiest combo.

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Do you like the taste of tea moimeme


It's ok, but it's not coffee. It's the taste of coffee I'll be craving if I give it up. Caffeine has zero effect on me; I can drink a big cup of cofffee and go straight to sleep. It's the flavour I got hooked on.


She likes the Eight'O'CLock coffee. I don't know if they have that in Canada. If they don't, I'd be happy to mail you some to try out.


Thanks for the offer - seems they do have it here - but it is still coffee, isn't it? I need somthing that is not coffee that tastes like coffee.

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Yeah I'm with Dark. Tea is very good for you. It comes in soooooo many flavours, and you can get some good herbal teas, gingko, echinacea . Each having their own health propertys. Green tea is good to increase metabolism and promotes weight loss.

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Have you tried the "International Coffees" by General Foods? I know it is still coffee but it might be a good way to wean yourself off of coffee and into (say) hot chocolate?? Or is hot chocolate just as bad?


Good luck in your endeavors!


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Have you tried the coffee syrup? It's like chocolate syrup to make chocolate milk but coffee flavour. (ice cappuccino) Just add milk and enjoy. What is it that coffe does to you? My bf drinks like 3-4 pots a day. He gets hyper if he doesn't have coffe and like you he has a coffe just before bed.

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What is it that coffe does to you?


Ever hear of 'fibrocystic' problems? Caffeine exacerbates it.

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Originally posted by carla

Yeah I'm with Dark. Tea is very good for you. It comes in soooooo many flavours, and you can get some good herbal teas, gingko, echinacea . Each having their own health propertys. Green tea is good to increase metabolism and promotes weight loss.



i dont know much about tea, all i know is when i go to chinese or indian restruants they give it to me and i drink it and its good,lol

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Thanks for the offer - seems they do have it here - but it is still coffee, isn't it? I need somthing that is not coffee that tastes like coffee.


I don't know Merry....that would be like a man who is only a blow up doll.


Coffee beer while smoking, that can't be the healthiest combo.


Yeah Dark, and I'll even throw a hunky sailor on the combo! SUPERSIZED!


At MY age.....I don't worry about longevity...just surviving the years I'm stuck with......HAHA!

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isn't there some kind of coffee-flavoured gum? just a guess - i barely drink coffee so i wouldn't know...



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Originally posted by Arabess



Yeah Dark, and I'll even throw a hunky sailor on the combo! SUPERSIZED!




Well at least thats exercise, ;)

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Originally posted by moimeme

What is it that coffee does to you?


Ever hear of 'fibrocystic' problems? Caffeine exacerbates it.

Um...so does chocolate or any other form of caffeine.

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Actually DA, I get more than my share of exercise. I walk about 10 miles a day and spend the rest of the time hanging off of a Navy ship in a harness.....painting, grinding and replacing tiles. NO JOKE! I work with lots of power tools!!!!


I drink coffee to keep me awake during my 10-12 hour work days, often 12 in a row.


I smoke cigs to relaxe me during a break.


I drink beer to keep me sane thru it all.


And the sailors.....well......they are the JOB PERK!



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I'm a civilian employee for the Navy. We do the 'riskier' jobs. I've dealt with asbestos and a number of chemicals we want to keep the Navy enlisted from. They have a different mission.....


Whatever WE can do......they don't have to. Just as it should be.


It's good money, but in the last year....two of our people have died, several broken and shattered bones, a neck break and problems with various chemicals (like H2S and such) . It's what we do as OUR part of serving our country.


I personally have a chemical pnemonia which has no cure. That's why I no longer care if I smoke.

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If you start to focus on ALL the foods that are supposed to be harmfull for you ...the truth is you will never eat ...ever again. If you enjoy a hot cup of coffee in the morning ...go ahead keep drinking it. Coffee is like evertyhing else... is ok in moderation.


I am latina, my family drinks black coffee a couple of times a day. The women in my family are the heaviest coffee drinkers and the die approxiately in their 90's. And any way reeaserach about coffee is inconclusive ...as many good things as bad are attribute to it.

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"Anybody got a satisfying substitute for coffee?"


Sex and dirty movies. Or a nice dinner in New York City.

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Yes.Decaffienated coffee.If you are trying to cut down,do so gradually.Otherwise you will get the worse headache you can imagine.


If you want to cut down try this.


week 1: 6 teaspoons caffeinated 1 teaspoon decaf ( always mix together and put in container)

week 2: 5 teasppons caffenated 2 teaspoons decaf

week 3: 4 teaspoons caffenated 3 teaspoons decaf

week 4. 3 teaspoons caffenated 4 teaspoons decaf

week 5: 2 teaspoons caffenated 5 teaspoons decaf

week 6: 1 teaspoon caffeinated 6 teaspoons decaf

week 7: decaf only


Decaf,I heard has chemicals so be careful not to drink to much of it.



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