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time between sets matter?

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I seem to do best doing 2 sets of 6-10, then working on another muscle, and then returning to the original and finishing out another 2-3 sets. All of this with ~1min rests between sets and exercise changes. I see most people do all their sets of one workout all in a row.


Like doing 4 sets of bench presses in a row and 4 sets of bicep curls in a row. Or alternatively as I seem to like 2 sets of benching, 2 sets of curls, 2 sets of benching, 2 sets of curls. Just as an example.


Is there any advantage to doing them all in a row? or disadvantage to splitting them up?

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There are many schools of thought on this. Here's how I do it ,it's called compound sets. If I'm doing bench press for instance, one set. Then immediately move to the opposing muscle group (the back in this case). One set there and then back to the chest exercise. I repeat this for a total of three sets. With as little rest as possible. (No more than 10 seconds). It's really a type off HIIT training. It's a good way to build muscle and get a cardio workout at the same time

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