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I Want to Move out


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Ok so I'm 27 yrs old and I still live with my parents. I have a great career, but my parents don't want me to leave. They want me to save up until I can get a house. This sounds great, but the fact still remains that I'm an adult. I want to be able to have friends or dates over, I want to have my own space, I want privacy. I guess I'm just scared that if I move out and don't do well I can't come crawling back. I know I could make it on my own, I went away for college. I just want out! Staying to save money is ideal but I want to be a grown-up!

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You could use the 'saving money' argument your whole life and stay living with your parents. The fact is, you want out, you want your privacy, your freedom and you're an adult, so GET OUT! :)


Don't be afraid that you won't do well. Take a risk. Your career is in place so you have financial stability - you can't really ask for more than that. As you said, you know that you can make it on your own so do it.

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Ok so I'm 27 yrs old and I still live with my parents. I have a great career, but my parents don't want me to leave. They want me to save up until I can get a house. This sounds great, but the fact still remains that I'm an adult. I want to be able to have friends or dates over, I want to have my own space, I want privacy. I guess I'm just scared that if I move out and don't do well I can't come crawling back. I know I could make it on my own, I went away for college. I just want out! Staying to save money is ideal but I want to be a grown-up!


Like the others have said, don't blame you for wanting to get your own place. Maybe you should give it a whirl. Something tells me that if it doesn't work out on your own, you would have no problems being able to go back. They are your parents! They won't let you live on the street!

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27 wow, I think you can make it on your own especially if a 14 year old can make it on there own...it is your decision not your parents. Do what makes you happy :)

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Do what you want.


If you think you can do it - go for it. Think of it as college education part 2/real life.


It's funny reading these replies like - 27 wow, not independent yet?


Being independent is a great achievement in itself - paying your bills, being responsible and not getting in debt.


You know how many people are married or in relationships well over 35 and are not independent? Alot!


I have family members who haven't had a job for over ten years, living at home over 35.


Being independent is actually one of the most important things before entering a serious relationship.


People even have kids before hey can take care of themselves.


I lived alone for over two years - I moved back to save money - I'm still independent - save to buy a condo when I move out again - the thing is - there are other issues - I have a severly abusive brother and may leave earlier because of this - again - because of real independence.


It's powerful, and a prerequisite.

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It may be that your parents are just being naturally selfish in wanting you to stay, doesn't make them bad people but really at 27 IMO they should be encouraging you to leave and develop yourself as an individual.


My advice, if you can afford it, move out asap and enjoy your independance (and hopefully struggle a little sometimes as well), it's the best way to grow. I think if you stay you may end up resenting your parents for this and that might spoil a relationship that could be ok.


good luck.

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dude you are 27, it is not healthy to stay in the nest that long. and by the way, most people don't buy a house, they get a mortgage.

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