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Why it's tough---a theory


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I've lurked in a lot of threads where both men and women complain that it's tough to meet people at all, let alone ones good enough to want to have a relationship with.


While I'm inclined to advise the women to move to Los Angeles and just say yes (because a lot fewer single women than men in this town are actually looking to meet someone), it's not as simple and straightforward as that. Especially when online dating is factored in.


If I ran a dating site, I'd have a vested interest in making it tough to find the right person. Why? Because it's good business. If I have 2 customers who meet and live happily ever after, then I can kiss my repeat business goodbye. It's more profitable to keep them playing a game of musical chairs.


At least, that's one theory of why there are so many unhappy singles.

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If I ran a dating site, I'd have a vested interest in making it tough to find the right person. Why? Because it's good business. If I have 2 customers who meet and live happily ever after, then I can kiss my repeat business goodbye. It's more profitable to keep them playing a game of musical chairs.

I can see your point and it makes sense, but what features of dating sites specifically make it difficult to find the right person?


My lack of success on OLD isn't due to the actual site per se; it's due to the people signed up who don't meet my standards or don't click in person.

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I disagree. I don't think dating sites are spreading relationship seeds that have a dark core designed to fail. I do think dating sites are not the best way to meet someone. Getting out builds more social skills and teaches people the language of love aka the game

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I disagree. I don't think dating sites are spreading relationship seeds that have a dark core designed to fail. I do think dating sites are not the best way to meet someone. Getting out builds more social skills and teaches people the language of love aka the game


Which is precisely what would motivate an operator of an OLD to make the case that he has a more effective method than getting out.


Besides, in L.A. there is no such "out" place. The 321 Club, the Red Onion, the Oarhouse (yes, I remember those places) and all the rest have been out of business for 20 years or more. Those were happenin' places... only memories now.

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Tim The Enchanter

If I ran a dating site, I'd have a vested interest in making it tough to find the right person. Why? Because it's good business. If I have 2 customers who meet and live happily ever after, then I can kiss my repeat business goodbye. It's more profitable to keep them playing a game of musical chairs.


At least, that's one theory of why there are so many unhappy singles.


That's a very specious and cynical argument, and one that I've heard before. You do have a point, but then remember that many people give up on OLD because they experience such a lack of success. So it's in the interests of the dating sites that they DO work. I see a lot of profiles from people who say they joined because some of their friends found partners via internet dating. It's a word of mouth thing.


You want to know why so many people are single? It's not the dating sites. It's human nature. In modern times at least, people are very complicated creatures with all kinds of habits that may or may not make them "compatible" with the opposite sex. That's why so many relationships fail, because people want different things out of life, and also because our personalities our so unique that we often end up clashing with our partner's personality.

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That's a very specious and cynical argument, and one that I've heard before. You do have a point, but then remember that many people give up on OLD because they experience such a lack of success. So it's in the interests of the dating sites that they DO work. I see a lot of profiles from people who say they joined because some of their friends found partners via internet dating. It's a word of mouth thing.


You want to know why so many people are single? It's not the dating sites. It's human nature. In modern times at least, people are very complicated creatures with all kinds of habits that may or may not make them "compatible" with the opposite sex. That's why so many relationships fail, because people want different things out of life, and also because our personalities our so unique that we often end up clashing with our partner's personality.


And this is why I think OP's theory is off, the challenge is already tipped against dating sites by default of the nature of people and relationships, particularly where dating is concerned. A dating site would be genuinely seeking to make some success of it and build a good reputation that would self-generate business by the most efficient and effective form of advertising - word of mouth. Btw I use to write a few small business / home based business / marketing articles in some local magazines.

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