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My stead doesn want to forgive me.

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Hi Guys,


I've been together with my current stead for abt 6 mths already. During the second month, i did sth that i knew i shouldnt have done. I really regret it alot now. I went out wif a girl and the gal held hands with me. Its not really as in hold hand. She juz held onto my arm. But i didn't do anything.


I remember telling my stead that she did hold my hand. And hugged me at the end when i was taking cab. but she insistefd that i didn't tell her. She also say that i lie to her and she doesn't even want to talk to me now.


Since yesterday night when i send her home, she have been ignoring me until today. All the smses i send her, she only replied 8 or 9 smses. Cuz of my remedial today, i couldn't goto her school and wait for her to finish school. Therefore, after my remedial, i went to her house and waited for her.


In the beginning, when i told her that i was going to her house, she say dun need. Shes already at home. Then when i reached her house downstairs, she said that she is not at home and ask me to "GO HOME!". After that, i knew that she was at home. Then, i stayed downstairs and she came down with her mom.


In the end, i had to run. I ran into the lift and went up to 12 storey. Then i told her that i will wait for her. But ask her not to be afraid cuz no one will see me there. She keep on asking me to "GO HOME ! I DUN WANNA SEE YOU !". I say that i will continue waiting for her even if she feels that i'm irritating.


Then all of a sudden, she smsed me and say that "GO HOME LARX.. i also neber say going to break wif you.. GO LAR !". Then i had no choice but to go home. I dunno whether does she realli mean it or wad. But.. until now.. I call her, she hang up. I sms her she never reply. I msg her in MSN, she also never reply.


I really do not know what to do and our six month anniversary is coming soon. I really treasure this relationship alot and hope that she will forgive me. Can anyone tell me what to do ?





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You need to leave this girl alone. She is clearly telling you that she wants nothing to do with you. She isn't responding to your constant barrage of attempted contact either. She wants to be left alone, and if you care about her as you say you do you must leave her alone and move on.


It will take time to get over your feelings, but the more you pursue her and bug her the worse you are going to make the situation. And to tell the truth if someone were behaving as you are to me I would be very afraid.


She might be able to tolerate your behavior for a short while, but if you don't leave her alone as she wants and she feels threatened she may get the police involved. And yes, she could just based on what you have done right now.


I highly recommend forgetting about this girl. You can't change how she feels. The more you try to stay in her life and talk to her the less she is going to remember any good times you two had together.

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