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****break Up Or Not!!!!!!!!!!****

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:(:eek:[font=courier new][/font][color=violet][/color]hey what's up i have a question and i hope every one will answer with honesty. OK here it goes ,my boyfriend and I have been together for 11 months almost a year, and I had to leave to college well me anD my boyfriend are having long distance relationship now. Well we talk on the phone alot!!! And write, email and see each other alot on weekends and he just absolutely adores me!!!! well one weekend my friend came down to see me for the weekend. and over the weekend we ended up getting in to a real heated argument he got real mad at me ,and i had said mean stuff to hI'm that i wish i did't well he told me that a girl at his work (who in't very attractive at all) was hugging hI'm one day( they are carpenters and were working outside) and had her hands under is jacket ,holding hI'm tight and he said my boyfriend was hugging her back and I'm much more attractive than her so its not that I'm jealous I'm just saying that the girl has slept with alot of the guys at her job to you think it sounds like she's on to my man??? But i 've met her though and she would always say chris (my bf) was like a brother to her but my friend said they were really close though do you think I'm over reacting??? cuz he says he loves me wants me to have his children, and was wanting to get married this a month ago! any way my friend says that he hugs allot of other girls too at work but that it could mean nothing, and my friend also said that after they hugged my boyfriend said that girl was a whore so what do yall think????? :([color=violet][/color][font=courier new][/font]
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That I wouldn't want to marry a man who hugs unattractive whores. And yes, this girl is looking for what she can get.

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I don't know him..I don't know her, and I don't know you...I DO know that I once questioned if my boyfriend was or WOULD cheat on me..the reality of it is: If you have to ask, then you don't trust him...and if you DON'T trust him, then you don't need to be with him. I know it sux, but trust is the #1 necessity in a relationship..w/o it, there is NO relationship. I had to learn that the hard way and got REALLY hurt after a two year relationship!

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I would have to say no to that question.

If your guys always talk about marriage having kids and he hugs girls all the time.

Then I would just say he is a friendly guy.

But on the other side of the spectrum it really depends on what you said to him.

If it was really mean as If to say I want to see other people you bore me.



I don't think this long distance thing is going to work. Something that would give him

Major doubt then maybe he would get curious. but not act so try not to say mean things

Especially when all you can do is call him to talk about it because he can hang up on you.

Vice versa and you really can't see what the other person is feeling over the phone.

But I would say you have nothing to worry about I also have a crazy long distance relationship I don't have the security you do with my other though. Needless to say I feel your pain.

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ok i have been with my boyfriend for a yr and i had to leave to college and i wasnt worried bout relationship cuz i was sure it would work cuz he was verrrry faithful and we were planning on getting married and he wants me to have his children, but this weekend my friend came to see me and we got in a argument. I said some very mean things to her and she popped off and said my boyfriend is very flirty at work, like this very unattractive girl that has slept with alot of guys at their work is hitting on my boyfriend and they hugged one time real close like for a whole 3/4minutes. She says my boyfriend dosent tell this girl to get off of him but dosent put his arms around her either but i just hope she isnt thinking she can get my man in bed, do you guys think im over reacting??


cuz my friend says she knows there is nothing going on out side of the work place but just at work she flirtsand him too ,ive met the young lady and shes says that my boyfriend is like a brother to her . do you think i should break up with him???or am i just really insecure being far away from him?? my boy friend chris is a real friendly guy who gives lots of people hugs butt not hussys like her who he knows wants down his pants should i break up with him???


Every one at his work said that all he does is talk about me and how he misses me so much and that im his angel,and we talkon phone, email, and write letters and he tells me im that hes so lucky to have me , and cant wait to see me and loves me to death an dwe talk bout every thing!! but why would he hug that whore ??? my friend said there were so close there privates probably were being pressed aagainst each other. i dont know if i should break up with him or not i know this sounds stupid but its a long distance relationship and they can make you so worried and confued cuz your not there to c for your self!!

SO CONFUSED?????????????????

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Why don't you talk to him about it? Isn't he entitled to explain himself first?

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it's all hearsay. friends come and go, rumours are stupid. Why people love to gossip, i'll never understand.



Find out from him directly. Ask him or mention that you've been hearing things and was just curious,

mention it in a nice way, not an attacking way.

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i have asked him about it he just says oh what ever you trip to much its just a hug!!! and he says he wouldnt ever do any thing like that.

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I know it sounds bad, but most guys will cheat sometime in their lives. It is just in their nature. Even the greatest guy in the world that is in the greatest relationship will have a temptation dangled in front of him. The question is will he resist it? The good one's will but always find themselves in a moment of weakness at some point in his life. The guys who constantly succum to the temptations and lie about it are the ones we want to stay away from.


You can't guarantee he won't cheat. You could be doing everything right, have the best sex, and be better looking than the other woman, but he may still be tempted. It is all about knowing he is desired by other women. It is a self-esteem boost. An ego thing. Every guy (and girl) is put in that situation from time to time and is not neccesarly a bad thing. It is all about the way it is handled.


I ussually use the 3 strikes system. Strike one is the feeling of temptation. Strike two is if he is honest about it. And strike three is if he actually cheats or not. The first two are just natual tests of the relationship and the individual's character and strength. But if he "strikes out" I know he is a looser. Trust your insticts. He might mess up at some point, but it is how he handles the situation is what is important. If he lies about it and is hiding things from you, then it is time to move on. But, if he is honest about it and can learn from his mistakes, then you know that he is in the relationship with you for the right reasons.

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