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sex and relationships

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me and my boyfriend have been together now for 4 months. we just recently moved intogether we have now lived together for month or less . our sex life was cool befor we moved into gether we would have sex like pretty often . before we moved into gether my boyfriend told me hes the kind of guy that likes it in the morning and at night . well if thats the case we should be having sex right so youd think ummm ya right we havent had sex last time we did was on saturday yet it was a real kinky ordeal you know and we did things we have only dreamed about you know . so when we are at home and stuff we arent always kissing and touchy feely and stuff and lately we havent had sex so last night i finally asked him babe why dont we have sex he said because hes shy well he was never shy befor he said hes shy now since hes had the chance to get to know me better . so my question is does this sound normal or do i have something to worry about please help im so confused?

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last night me and my boyfriend had a discussion of our relationship and he said when we first got together i was his grirl friend and his friend that hes never had that.


and now things are confusing for me he said he wants to be friends as well as my boyfriend but im confused i dont know how to take it or even how to act around him you know what i mean if he wants me to be more of a friend as well as gf how do i act is this cool or not and last but not least help

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i dont really understand your question. but it is normal for guys to exaggerate how much they want sex. they have even been known *gasp* to not want it on occasion. now that you live with him, you are seeing more of the realities. as long as you are satisfied, it shouldn't be a problem

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It means he wants to have the close stability of having you as a girlfreind, but at the same time, he wants to be comfortable to fart in front of you. Justin is my best freind, and trust me, he has NO problem farting in front of me. Its kind of a generalization, but thats kind of what he means. He wants you to love him regardless.

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If his reason for becoming much more reserved was he's gotten to know u better, I think I can understand how he feels. I do the same thing with people...the more I start to care, the more I worry about how they see me ya know. Maybe u just need to be more vocal about how wonderful he is and ease his mind a bit. And if that's not quite the case, since u seem to be able to talk to him, just come out and ask.

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thaks guys for your input , its just so confusing im totaly in love with him and hes my life im not understanding why hes getting shy around me i mean in a way it makes me feel like he doesnt want to be with me you know.

last night for instance we got into an argument and so i went to town on cleaning anything and weverything .

after doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen he walks up behind me and puts his arms around me and then says babe im going to go run you a bath when your done come in take a bath and relax you need it. so i kinda got my hopes up that hey maybe we are going to have well you know one of those night s. and then when we went to bed he fell right asleep. i just felt like hurt or something i dont know how to explaine it . im so lonely for him. its like then when we are together we argue a lot lately. you know im just so sad.

yesterday he called me at work and told me that there was this chic that just started and that shes a skank and like a wanna be punk rocker chic . and then he proceeds to tell me that the only reason why his boss hired her is because shes blonde and has a round butt stated his boss. i will also add that both of us are punk rockers as well. so then yesterday when he came home he was so happy just in a mood id never seen him in before.

so automatically it scared me, i suddenly thought the worst. he went to go jump in the shower and on his side of the bed was a piece of paper so i picked it up and it had a number on it so i opened the door and i was like hey ummmm whats this and hes like oh its my friend chri's number i was like hm well he calls to tell me hi and to see how my day has gone and then proceeds to tell me about this chic and now i find a number he told me i could call it but then right there that would give him a total ego trip because i doubted him and he knows it so i really need some guidence if someone would help please thanks

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