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Trying to quit smoking. Any ex smokers have any tips on getting over the temptation?

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I'm dying for a cigerette, but I really want to quit for good. Lung problems have been a real issue in my family, and I would like to live a long healthy life. :) Any ex-smokers out there who have any suggestions on things to do when the cravings get really bad? I hate the patch and that stupid gum. They're just not the same. If I get desparate, I might try it, but I was just checking to see if anyone had any other suggestions.

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I don't really have any tips...I quit when I became pregnant with my 1st child. I had smoked for 6 years. Keep some bottled water on hand, and try to keep your hands busy. Just remember how horrible dying of lung cancer or emphysema would be...good luck.

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I just quite yesterday. We can be support for eachother, cuase right now, things are pretty crappy for me, and I just want a cigerrette more than anything right now. So we will be suport for eachother:)

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Just get pregnant! It worked for me! LOL


Seriously, in my case it was easy because I smoked mainly just when I was out drinking. No alcohol...no craving for a cigarette.


I'm guessing in your case it is much harder than that. I'm a firm believer it is mind over matter. Addiction is 95% mental in my opinion. I would suggest trying the gum, ect. and keep yourself busy. When did you smoke before? Was it when you were bored or hungry? Was it to de-stress? If you can figure out that much then it will be easy for you just to divert your attention onto something else when put in a similar situation. Or you could replace it with another vice like excessive caffine. LOL Good luck to you! Know that you are doing the right thing. If you need additional support let me know. It takes a lot of strength, but I'm sure you can do it!

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Thanks all! Getting pregnant not really an option right now. lol. But I can use all the support I can get. I wish I had never started! Oi.

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good luck girlie - today is my first day quitting. actually i have been "quitting" for six months now. i wear the patch during the week and tear it off and indulge myself on the weekends. it is quite a bad habit i have gotten into but, if used properly, the patch works great.


running helps as well. in the summertime i try to line up a bunch of 5 & 10k's to run to keep my mind focused on running as opposed to smoking.



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This May will be 2 years since I've had my last cigerette. :D I used Ziban to quit. My doctor wanted me on the medicine for at least 3 - 4 months. After 2 months I told him that I didn't need it any more and quit my meds. Anyway Ziban does have some serious side affects for some people but worked well for me and my mother.

Like Dolphin said I think alot of it is mind over matter.


With the Ziban came a little booklet that gives you motivation to qiut. You have to ask yourself questions like why you want to quit smoking. You have to think of rewards that you will give yourself after 1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks etc of not smoking. Every day that goes by with out a cigerette is 1 day that you have succeed.Think of something that you want to buy with the money that your saving from not buying cigerettes. Think of the things that you do every day that you relate having a cigertette with. If possible don't do these things for awhile. If there is no way around avoiding these activites chew gum or have a candy. Try to avoid people that smoke around you for awhile. Ask your friends to support you and not to smoke around you. It took me about 2 weeks b4 I could go around someone that smokes.


In my booklet it said that the urge to smoke lasts about 10 sec. During that time what I did was think of extra money in my pocket. Mentally calucalate how much it costs for cigerettes for 1 week, 1 month, 6 months ,1 year by the time you figure it out the urge is gone and you maybe shocked of the money you will be saving. The more you go with out a cigerette the fewer urges you get. For me it took about 2 weeks to overcome most of the urges. I still occasionally get an urge. I think That I want a smoke then think no I don't I've come a long way to blow it now.


Good Luck with your not smoking. If you need extra support feel free to PM me. I've been there I know what you are feeling and it is hard. Once you've conquered 1 /12 -2 weeks it does get easier. The first 3-4 days are the worst. Hang in there. Your body will thank you. ;)

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Mints, mints, mints! I traded my cigarette habit for a mint habit that I still have. Any time I wanted a cigarette, I would pop a peppermint (sugar free) into my mouth and that clean feeling made the idea of a cigarette less appealing.


It's been 18 years and I'd be lying if I said that there aren't times when I still want one, but those times are few and far between.


Good luck!

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I quit January first. For me the key is to alter my routine. I would always have on with my morning coffee in a certain room. Now, I take my coffee to a different room and the craving is not so strong. I drive a different route to work so that I wouldn't see the same things and think "when I reach the next block I'll have time for another smoke before I get there." Change the activities and time of day where you used to smoke on a regular basis and once you eliminate the triggers you may have an easier time fighting the withdrawl and the cravings.


I do chew gum and drink more water. There have actually been some days now where I have not thought about a cigarette. I've heard people use that Commit Lozenge and said that works better than the patch or gum.


Good Luck!

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I gave up a month ago, I tried Zyban which I got from the doctor but it made me have terrible nightmares so came off them and went cold turkey hard for the first two weeks but lollipops are great to have as a distration or midget gems. It does work quite well. If you go to the doctors there might be an stop smoking class which you can attend where you will find people in the same situation if you go here the competition of not being the one that fails and smokes might drive you on better. Hope it helps.

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Thanks everyone for all of the tips so far!! I really appreciate it. Taking it one day at a time, and really hoping to pull it off. =)

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try switching to a brand that taste horrible. your more likely to smoke it less.. and quit eventually

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Baby Beaver

I quit smoking 2weeks ago, I've been suprised at how easy it's been this time as opposed to the other hundred times I have tried to give up.


I've been using the patches, I find they work really well, however they do make whatever part of my body they are adhered to ache really badly after a while. Of course the patches don't get rid of the cravings completely so try gum or mints to keep your mind off it.


Let all your friend and family know that you're giving up so that they don't offer you one, and remove all smoking paraphanalia from the house.


I can't remember who mentioned it in an earlier post, but it is a good idea to change your routine, I used to have a brew and a fag every morning before uni in the kitchen (as that is the only room in which we smoked), now i take my brew into the dining room and read the paper of something before i go to uni, different surroundings don't provide the same reminders!


Good luck hun, keep busy!

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