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Should I express myself to my friend?

Not the love ace

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Not the love ace



Well, like always I'm sure some of you have been following my so dramatic episodes I have been having with my friends. Well, I've been getting better and I have been getting over it little by little and day by day. I'm still hurt and its been driving me nuts but I'm getting used to not seeing or hearing from them and its almost becoming a "out of sight, out of mind" type of case with them, almost.


However, this might sound really corny, juvenile, elementary buy I was thinking of sending my ex-best friend (Hara) a long e-mail or letter of some sort telling her about how I cherished our friendship and how I feel that I was a great friend who always had her back and just point out some valid cases in our relationship in hopes in that she'll see what she's missing out on in a friend.


I don't want to rub anything in her face, I don't want to make her feel guilty, I don't plan on being self righteous, I don't plan on being nasty and I don't plan on getting her back. I just want to tell Hara my deepest thoughts and feelings and just let her know that I am really sad about all that has happened and it pains me to lose her as a friend and I like I mentioned, that I hope she can also realize that I was a good friend to her and maybe she'll appreciate me a little more. I just kind of want to say my final piece just in case we don't become friends again.


I know I probably should not say anything to her but I really want to just let her know my thoughts and express myself since I never really done so before. I just want to let my heart out to her one final time.


What do you posters think of this? You think its a good/bad idea?

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I don't know all the details of Hara, but I say absolutely not. Contact her down the road (way down the road) if you miss her and want to catch up. And act like it's all water under the bridge.


I had a friend sever a friendship. After 15 years, he resurfaced like nothing had happened. And all was forgiven and we restarted a friendship. We have lunch once in a while and have a good time. We don't ever dwell on the past.


Time without contact works well for friendships that were meant to be. If they weren't meant to be, they fade into a distant memory.

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