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I think I'm lacking something which other guys may posess with girls

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It's okay to play the numbers game as long as you're not committed to anyone in particular. You can date around and take it as far as they'll let you without a commitment. Now, after the third date, you'll probably be asked the question "What about us?". That's when you'll have to decide whether she's a keeper, or whether she's just a way to spend a free evening. If she's the latter, then all you have to say is "I'm not ready for a committed relationship at this time."


After that, the decision's hers as to whether or not she's comfortable continuing the relationship. If the girl likes you, many times, she'll continue dating you even though you're not giving her what she really wants, although some women know exactly what they want and will kiss you goodbye. It's the risk you take.


Eventually, though, by playing the numbers game, you increase the chances of finding someone you really click with.

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  • 5 months later...

Excuse me if i haven't read this post properly, it's mighty detailed!


Monkey, you seem to be in my league and the way you were thinking about chicks intimidated by you, or feeling like a hot chick, that's how i feel like sometimes. I get guys looking at me, which makes me feel like a b**ch and that it's absurd.


Of course, then, girls will get nervous around you, i can see it when i walk around, girls putting their heads down, fiddling with their hair, looking nervous.


It seems maybe you like to take things slowy with girls.

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