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What to say to a girl at a coffee shop?


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Hey everyone. It's been a long time since I've met anyone, and I feel like I have completely lost any game I might have had. I've never been good at approaching girls anyway. But one of the problems I've had lately is that I even if I gather up the courage to talk to a random girl, I have absolutely no clue what to say beyond "how are you". After that my mind goes blank.


I'm a pretty quiet person, and honestly, I'm not the kind of person that makes small talk with people I don't know, so I guess that doesn't really help.


For instance, here's some scenarios I find myself in, but have no idea what to do or say:


1. Go to a coffee shop and the girl at the counter is cute. No idea what to say....especially if there are people behind me or other co-workers there.


2. Doing work on my computer at a coffee shop and see a cute girl sitting at a table on the other side of the place. I'm in the middle of working so I would feel like an ass getting up and walking over there. If I get rejected I'd have to take the walk of shame back to my table and pretend to work, lol. Not to mention, I would have no idea what to say.


3. Doing work on my computer at a coffee shop and cute girl sitting at table next to me. No idea what to talk about or say.


Sometimes I think a better option might be not to say anything, but to just walk over and give them one of my business cards and say something before I leave. But no idea what to say. Is that even a good idea?


Thanks for any advice!

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Feelin Frisky

You could ask the one that works at the coffee shop if she would please warm up your cruller. But seriously, why are you doing your work in public? If you're out and about, you should probably be out and about. I know it's difficult to cold start a conversation with someone you've never seen before but if you go to the same places, you're probably going to see someone more than once. If you do, try to at least project a "how do you do" nod or smile. If she returns it next time, you might look for an opportunity to pitch your name. Perhaps you're putting too much pressure on yourself for the one-time chance scenario. Life is a process. You would do better to make it count when you're out but don't expect overnight success--sow the seeds of love and stay off the computer in public. Forget the cruller remark I made. :p

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Hey everyone. It's been a long time since I've met anyone, and I feel like I have completely lost any game I might have had. I've never been good at approaching girls anyway. But one of the problems I've had lately is that I even if I gather up the courage to talk to a random girl, I have absolutely no clue what to say beyond "how are you". After that my mind goes blank.


Easy. Learn how to fake drunkenness and say "hey, baby *hic*".

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