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to whom is not interested in relegious beliefs

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I really don't know what (if anything) will happen to me after I die. I have enough issues to handle in this lifetime to be worrying about the next one too. :laugh:


My religious beliefs (in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, Emmanuel, who came to save us all from ourselves) are completely based on hope - that He is my best, and only, hope for a shot at living a rich, full life ... and He and the Bible are the best guides of how to conduct myself while I'm here.


What happens after that, is not my area.

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Albert believed in the God of Spinoza.
Thanks for the link... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baruch_Spinoza#Panentheist.2C_pantheist.2C_or_atheist.3F :)


"Martial Guéroult suggested the term "Panentheism", rather than "Pantheism" to describe Spinoza’s view of the relation between God and the world. The world is not God, but it is, in a strong sense, "in" God. Not only do finite things have God as their cause; they cannot be conceived without God.[27] In other words, the world is a subset of God."

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I don't need religion. I'm already good. :p

And sometimes Religion (with it's complicated and conflicting doctrines) can make people bad while they think they are being good.

Edited by Truthseeker-John
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...Now I can't stop watching these old Soul Train videos on YouTube. :laugh:


Right on Brother!!!!!! Soul Train rules!!!!!!

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I don't need religion. I'm already good. :p


"Religion" is man-made...sooo, therefore see God/Jesus/Holy Spirit as my final authority...:)

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