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Something that your partner does that drives you nuts

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Current GF/BF, wife, husband or your ex. I thought it would be interesting reading to hear what people say about what their signif other does that drives them crazy. Good or Bad.

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drools (in her sleep):p and has grumpy outbursts at times.


Its a good thing I love her.:love:

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Talks a lot. It's a bit like a radio without an off button.

Having said that, my own down side is lack of communication skills in a relationship...

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Snoring, overeating, acting dumb on purpose even when I tell him to stop, smoking, procrastinating, losing his temper too easily... and so on.


There is plenty of good to outweigh the bad, thankfully.

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I dated someone whose driving I absolutely could not stand...too slow...too defensive...too passive...

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My husband is chronically indecisive. He also is OCD about cleaning and his eyes bug out if I'm not using a coaster. He tells me how to drive also, he starts breathing heavy if I go through a yellow light!:laugh:


Of course these are all pretty minor things that I can deal with. He's got a lot of good qualities as well.

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Feelin Frisky

Didn't respect that I had food and weight issues--demanding that we eat, eat, eat ritually and often yet I be perfectly in shape at the same time. Can't have that both ways. I'd resolve to lose some pounds and buy vegitables for a regimen. I'd tell her that but come home and find that she had chopped up all my produce for an extravegent salad anyway that we didn't need on top of the plentiful dinner she always wanted. Hello-oh!

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He leaves bits of food in the sink, and it gets stuck in the strainer, so when I go to wash the dishes, the sink floods, and I have to go fishing to clear out the food and get the sink to drain -- which is made even more difficult by the fact that there's usually a big pile of dishes. All because he apparently can't adjust to not having a garbage disposal, which is something I never had growing up or as an adult. He always says, "I'll clean it up, don't worry," but he usually doesn't remember, and the food bits sit there underneath dishes until I get around to cleaning up.


He also just dumps things into the sink, haphazardly, all the way up to the top, as many things as he can fit in there, which makes it extremely inconvenient to wash. I have to take things out of the sink and put them on the counter anyway because there's no room to wash, and everything is balancing precariously on everything else, and I have to be careful not to go digging and find that there's a knife way at the bottom, obscured by some other random plate or bowl or pot.


It drives me nuts. He's so used to using a dishwasher for ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, so he doesn't understand how inconvenient it is to let the sink pile up sky high before washing anything. He doesn't get how inconvenient it is to have to wash almost every plate you own at the same time when there's not enough room on the drying rack for everything you have to wash, leaving you with the necessity to do several rounds of washing to get everything out of the damn sink.


I've talked to him about it, gently, but it doesn't work. He still hasn't adjusted his habits to account for the fact that there's no dishwasher in this apartment.


And then he got irritated at me when I broke one of his glasses. I normally put glasses on the counter if the sink is full because I don't want them breaking. He stuck his glass near the bottom of the pile of crap in the sink, and while I was trying to wash something else, it tipped over, hit the heavy glass pot lid, and cracked. :mad:That's why I don't pile a million things on top of another million things. It's my fault for not immediately digging it out of there and putting it on the counter, but bah, I couldn't get to it without taking other things out.


Jeez, it drives me batty. He's used to just picking things off the top of the big pile and then shoving them in the dishwasher and then getting mad when there's still gunk on it afterward even though I'd tell him over and over that he should pre-rinse dishes to get the food off instead of just shoving them in there. He's used to letting dirty dishes pile up because you're sticking them in the dishwasher anyway, and it doesn't make sense to wash things if there's only two dishes in the sink. I tend to wash whenever I'm done with something, and when I cook, I wash as I go along. He also tends to use twice as many dishes as I do (do you really need a separate dish to warm up food when it's already in microwavable tupperware?).


And he doesn't do any cleaning except laundry. He used to complain about how his roommate never cleaned anything and how his roommate was a slob and how in the years he lived with the guy, roommate never ever scrubbed the tub. And here we are, and I'm doing all those things that he used to complain his roommate wouldn't do. Because his standard for, "Hm, it's dirty. I should clean it" when it comes to floors, counters, sinks, tubs, toilets is much higher than mine. I can't go three months without scrubbing the toilet. He can.


He's otherwise a neat person - very little clutter and disorder - but when it comes to other types of cleaning, he drives me nuts.

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When Im kissing my girlfriend, she turns her face and makes me stop kissing her. I get really frustrated and I dont know what to do. Any ideas??

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Feelin Frisky
When Im kissing my girlfriend, she turns her face and makes me stop kissing her. I get really frustrated and I dont know what to do. Any ideas??

Yeah, try Scope. :p

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Yeah, try Scope. :p


I agree. Maybe it's your breath? Or the way you kiss? I had an ex who literally tried to inhale my mouth when he kissed me. I would get so out of breath that I would pull away. I talked to him about it and he tried harder to resolve the issue.


You should ask you gf why she does that...

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Mine never thinks she is wrong, her memory is flawless and always needs to get the last word in.

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He tooties in front of me all the time, sometimes even asking me to pull his finger :rolleyes:


He never throws anything away, such as empty toothpaste tubes, hair gel, shampoo, milk, etc...the empty whatevers just sit around until I throw them away, while he just keeps opening new whatevers.


He checks his iphone every 3 seconds, and even takes it into the bathroom with him in the morning sometimes (or the middle of the night) to jerk off. I passionately hate that thing.

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He NEVER washes his smelly running shorts. :sick: He's also the nagger in the relationship and is a bit self-righteous about being vegetarian. I like meat, sue me.

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I find it funny that someone would be angry at their partner, for a natural bodily function! LOL

I mean, doesn't everybody pass gas? Get over it, it's a part of life, just like blood or urine.


My husband is a horrible conversationalist. It gets exhausting being the one talking all time and getting one word responses.

I chose to marry a shy introvert, so this will never change. He says an equally timid woman would bore him.

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Talking is certainly not a weakness with either one of us. One time when we were dating we were on the phone for six hours. We go on and on and on.

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I find it funny that someone would be angry at their partner, for a natural bodily function! LOL

I mean, doesn't everybody pass gas? Get over it, it's a part of life, just like blood or urine.


There's a difference between politely "passing gas" and making a BFD out of it every single time one "passes gas". If you wouldn't stand up and go fart in your buddy's dog's face, or ask your mom to pull your finger (and then your middle finger and then your ring finger and then your little finger...), then you probably shouldn't do that crap in front of the person you are romantically involved with either.

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