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Is Masturbation bad?

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How does masturbation affect sexual performnace....If i masturbate, will i get accustomed to exciting myself unnaturally, and then have problems getting excited with partner, without my hands getting involved...please give me pros and cons of it....I have been doing it lately, but was wandering if i stop it, will i perform better sexually with GF....I just started dating her....and was thinking to cut back on that.....Maybe cut back to on e or twioce a day, instead of everyday, cause then i guess i will be satisfied when i go to her, and wont be able to have sex .....



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no don't worry wenn the time come that you have somebody you don't need your hand, the sombody will take the roll for you


so that you will not be in need for masturbation


enjoy it

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I think that masturbation is natural and everyone does it.


The only way you will ever know what pleases you is to explore yourself.


Although, I am hesitant to agree on doing it too much is such a good thing.


I mean, I masturbate myself; I'm human. And I understand that men probably do it much more often than I because, well, it's just naturally easier for them.


But, my hesitancy on the issue stems from an ex. I dated


someone that masturbated a lot, which didn't bother me.


But, what bothered me about it was the issue that he was so accustomed to this that I could rarely ever please him


orally or sexually to the point of climax. And that was


frustrating as hell.


So my advice is, obviously, not to stop. Just make sure


that you have an equal balance of having orgasms with a partner, as well. That's what I think, at least.

How does masturbation affect sexual performnace....If i masturbate, will i get accustomed to exciting myself unnaturally, and then have problems getting excited with partner, without my hands getting involved...please give me pros and cons of it....I have been doing it lately, but was wandering if i stop it, will i perform better sexually with GF....I just started dating her....and was thinking to cut back on that.....Maybe cut back to on e or twioce a day, instead of everyday, cause then i guess i will be satisfied when i go to her, and wont be able to have sex ..... help
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billy the kid

no it won't hurt you to do it alone, esp. at your age.. you are learning to enjoy your body, and remember 2 things 1 girls do it too... 2 anyone who says they don't is a liar..

so that you will not be in need for masturbation


enjoy it

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masturbation is evil. Masturbation only inhibits one's sex life and should be made illegal. They should install cameras in everyone's homes so that no one can masturbate. Masturbation is the root of all evil, not because there is any type of sound scientific proof, but because that's what my daddy tells me. Either way, masturbation is bad, dirty, and evil. Thank you. -Adam9

How does masturbation affect sexual performnace....If i masturbate, will i get accustomed to exciting myself unnaturally, and then have problems getting excited with partner, without my hands getting involved...please give me pros and cons of it....I have been doing it lately, but was wandering if i stop it, will i perform better sexually with GF....I just started dating her....and was thinking to cut back on that.....Maybe cut back to on e or twioce a day, instead of everyday, cause then i guess i will be satisfied when i go to her, and wont be able to have sex ..... help
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