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William Hung ---- The "true" American Idol???

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Hey, i wonder why people keep talking about William Hung (the one in American idol). Why is he so special ?? I have seen the video when he was singing "She Bangs" and shaking his body like a monkey. What do you guys think about it??

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I think he looks like a dork and sounds like a dork...which makes him number one to be popular with many Americans.

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Everyone's making fun of him, I don't really think he realizes it.


Ignorance is bliss.

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Bah. I dislike American Idol. I dislike William Hung.


shaking his body like a monkey


I dislike people who shake their bodies like a monkey, especially. Do monkeys shake? :confused:



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Can you say "Media Exploitation"?


He sells air-time, both national and local (in the Bay Area).


I say good for him, he's probably getting his first taste of tail and a ton of attention from it.


Hope he makes a million and lives the American dream.


But yeah, I don't think he really get's it either.

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He's got $25,000 in his pocket, a recording contract, and has been on every major TV show. Yeah, he doesn't get it all right. :rolleyes:

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Tony said -


I think he looks like a dork and sounds like a dork...which makes him number one to be popular with many Americans.




Yeah, but that kid has some serious b@lls. Pure essence of spirit!


Nothing can keep him down!


GO WILLIAM!!! :cool:



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I don't think he is a great singer -- but that is not what it is all about for him. I think he realizes this. However, he is honest and straightforward and fresh and that is what I think his charm is all about. He is not afraid to get up and sing! :D As he said "I gave it my best and I have no regrets." I wish we could all be that way. I'm happy for him and I find him entertaining and I am not making fun of him. I watched him on the Monday AI special - with his cheerleader backup singers. His performance was totally enjoyable, while I hit the mute button on scat girl because she couldn't sing and didn't have the personality of Mr. Hung. I'm not into reality shows and this is the first year I've watched AI, but I'm fascinated with it and I do find it entertaining.


Simon, while rude, is terrific and I love to hear what he's going to say about each performance. He makes the show.

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I agree, Moi!


I'm so darn tickled and happy for him. It couldn't have happened to a sweeter, gentler person. Goes to prove that good things still happen to good people. It was his amazing attitude, not just his comedic lack of talent that's made him a celebrity.


Stereotypical geek or not... he still sings better than his predecessor Yoko Ono. And that caterwauler made millions!


Go Hung! (My new hero) :love:

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At first I thought he probably didn't have a clue that people were laughing at him, but now I think differently. There is actually a chance that he might know exactly what he's doing. Do people really get ahead with no talent and ignorance in this society? I think he's sucking up the laughter, enjoying the fame, and HE'LL be the one laughing all the way to bank once his stint is over.

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I used to know a brilliant scientist who acted like a complete airhead at work. I had the opportunity to encounter him outside of work and he was completely different. You see, if he didn't seem zoned out at work, he'd be bothered constantly by people to do things for them or assist them and he'd never get his own work done. He was pulling a good one on everybody. Did I say 'brilliant'? :laugh:

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I think he's got a melodic voice, he just can't accentuate english well enough. I think I like his naivete, the way he thinks he's a star, the way he thinks he's entertaining us other than the fact that we're laughing at him.

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AT first, I didn't know who he was, because i don't watch AI . Then i read newspapers which talked about how famous he was, and I watched his first performance when he was competing for AI. I did appreciate his attitude when he said "I already gave my best, and thus I have no regrets at all." That is a very good attitude, and i thought i knew why people believe him as the "true" American Idol.

However, when i kept surfing the net and watched couple others video, i felt ashamed. It is obvious that people were making fun of him, he was acting like an idiot. When he was singing "She Bangs" and " 'Shake Your Bon-Bon' and so on in other shows it totally changed my attitude....


I feel that the good attitude has changed its nature, i don't know....

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i don't know. i liked him ironically from the get-go; i think that talk show hosts felt the same way and also felt sorry for him and the brutality of AI's rejection.


i'm glad he's making money from an experience that might have been otherwise just degrading.

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Originally posted by oh no

I feel that the good attitude has changed its nature, i don't know

No, it's still great because he doesn't KNOW they're making fun of him. I heard him on KGO, he's totally oblivious to the fact that we think he sucks.

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