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Clingy or to much space?


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I feel as tho there are alot of ppl who are either " too clingy or just give to much space". I consider myself a balance of the two. But i always run into guys who give to much space. However I have female friends who give alot of space as well. I think that a man that gives to much space means he doesnt like you, but as I learn thats not true. However, I know that demanding time, can take a toll on people when thats not one of their love language. I kno there isnt no one that can tell me how to change my love pattern or how I show that I care. But how can I learn to accept the fact that even if I don't here from a man everyday that he likes me just as much as he did fromt he last time I heard from him. Clingy ness can run a person away which isnt good at all. :confused:

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