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problems with life...

Unfortunate Soul

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Unfortunate Soul

i guess im kinda young... 15 years of age and im getting all emoey over the fact that i havent had a girlfriend since.... well... ever. sure i got friends and family but my family dosent understand and my friends arnt any help at all. when i sit down and think about it i start to think everyone hates me, but then i just start day dreaming again (i'll let you guess what). when my friends are around their other halves i just draw into myself and wait. even when im not in my little protective shell no girl seems interested. i dont know what my problem is but no matter how had i try i cant seem to get any attention from friends or otherwise. right now im not picky, id be glad if anyone says hi to me and starts taking an interest. i cant change who i am, ive tried alot of things so people might like me more but alas, to no avail. im trying my hardest, so why wont anyone start being serious with me??

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nobody u know

Hey, friend, my son is 15. It is strange how things like that work.


It is a long time from then to now, but what advice could I really offer? The first thing I can think of, is if you want to meet girls, then be where they are. Skating rink, church, football games. Most guys miss out because they live in fear of even talking to girls. Don't be afraid to talk to them. Don't be afraid to ask them to do something, even if it is with other friends. Sure, you will get shot down a lot, but there is always that one time, when you won't. Don't be too excited, giddy, or smiling about everything. Look them in the eye. Be low key, and honest. They are not impressed by the things that most boys try to say and impress them. They can see through most of the bull. If you have confidence in yourself, it will be very easy to see by girls. If you don't the same is true. Good luck.

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Unfortunate Soul

Hey and thanx for the advice, due to certain elements in my life i find it hard to do everything you advised but still ill try my hardest like i have done for the past 15 years. who knows maybe something will change...

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