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Would you consider calling someone everyday *Cheating*?

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but if he wont leave then i would leave he may not go willingly there for you would have to have the courts force him out i still would contact a lawyer and see what my options are.that way you safe.

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I was advised not to leave at all.... Was also told that if he does not leave I can get a court order to force him out..... OH Boy... that will create WAR.


Why the hell is this happening to me???

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evendently hes the wrong guy for you well if you were advised to make him leave then by all means do so and if he wont on his own make sure you have all the legal bull taken care of to have him removed.....good luck :bunny:

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I hate that all this is finally happenin' to you, but maybe when it's all over u'll be a stronger person for it....whatever doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger, right? Good luck with whatever it is u choose to do.

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