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Locked Heart.

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I got into a relationship with my best friend, he became my first love. After two years he switched me for another girl, and I was devastated. It didn’t last long, and after about a month, he begged me to go back with him. I eventually went back and he switched me again. He fell in love with his new girlfriend, and now she is pregnant with his child. I started talking to him again, and he invited me to hang with him, but the reason was so that he could cheat on his pregnant girlfriend with me. I did, and felt horrible after. I thought that it would make all of the pain go away, but I was wrong.

Now I have a new boyfriend and there’s a big problem. I don’t trust him, at all. There’s no reason that I shouldn’t be able to. He’s never done anything to make me feel like I shouldn’t trust him. I also treat him bad because I’m afraid that if I don’t take control, then he will do the same things that my ex did to me. He had the same secrets, desires and goals as my ex and it scares me. I don’t know how to make myself trust him, or anyone for that matter. So I keep my heart locked and distant from everyone, and that is making me a cold person. How do I open up?

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Generally, if a person cannot 'unstick' him/herself from a negative pattern of thinking, it's time to involve a therapist to help.

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You are being unfair and quite frankly crappy to this new guy. Because in fact, when you cheated with your ex, that made YOU A CHEATER sister!


Maybe you haven't dealt with that little tidbit yet.

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Did your parents cheat on each-other/and or/not stay together?

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