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Great date last night

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I went out with a really great guy last night. I think we both had a great time. How long does it take for him to call me back?

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give him seven days; three is better. after seven days, move on.

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This is 2004. Rules from the 50s don't apply anymore. Call him whenver you like, unless you are looking for an 'old-fashioned' guy.

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lol; it does depend on the guy. if he seems the type who likes the chase, and if you are the sort of girl who likes being courted, don't call. if he is a bit shy, do call him, but don't get desperate. wait a couple of days.

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He should be calling you back in about 34 hours, 42 minutes and 29 seconds as of the posting of this message....if my calculations are correct.

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lol, I hope you're right. Well I called him last night and left a message on his voice mail. Just letting him know I had a great time and hope to hear from him. No response as of yet and that was around 6:00 pm last night.

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Message is good. If he doesn't call back, you will have gotten his "message".

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