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how to get my bf to work out our problems

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Well, congratulations, I guess?


If he came from a family that didn't communicate, he probably never learned how. However, I found a therapist recently that told me 95% of the people out there don't communicate verbally, some are behaviorists instead. They do, instead of say.


If he wasn't showing you what you need either, then that would be hard. I would definitely recommend the books Venus and Mars (or whatever it's called) and Love is Never Enough by Aaron Beck. Because if you attracted this in your life, chances are the next time will be the same. You might want to find out some things about misunderstandings, and conflicts and resolving problems. I wish I had found these books a long time ago. Knowledge and understanding never hurt.

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oh i've read the men are from mars, women are from venus, while i was with him. its helped me a lot to understand.


but he's just stubborn. one selfish bastard. its been like this for how long. i'm not gonna take it anymore.


i'm not gonna bother gettin into another relationship. cause i'll never be true to him after the experience i was just in. and who ever that guy happens to be doesn't deserve that.


i rather be in a relationship that has everythign but love, maybe it'll be easier... or maybe i'm just so frustrated and furious, my mind isn't thinking straight.


right now, i could care less.


i've tried so much, and everytime i failed.

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some people are just shallow-hearted and and shallow-minded. of course, some of it is my fault, perhaps yours too. we keep being attracted to people that are cold inside. i know for me, my g/f was warm on the outside, but dead inside. i knew she was emotionally unavailable when i started dating her, but i ignored the warning signs and jumped in. it turns out the only person hurting is me.

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