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lost... someone help me

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I need help..

i am a 19 y.o. female living in chicago *burbs*

i just started talking to someone from the internet.. who lives in Milwaukee Wisc. he is 21 y.o.

he is nice but we argue way too much... and i dont know why.. we have been talking since jan. 23rd and we have like a couple good days and then bad days...


he talks to this girl from Florida.. they have been talking for 2 years and she loves him she is madly in love with him. i tell him why dont you try and be with her or something.. she loves you and you are looking for love.. and he tells me no she is just my friend.. that he likes me and wants something with me... i tell him i am not ready for a relationship... i just got over one not to long ago and i am not ready to set my heart out again to someone else.. soo... we talk and talk and argue and argue...


i think he is hidding something from me about him and that other girl i mean i am a very jealous person and i am not sure if i like him or i feel bad for him or what... or if this is my way out of something...


can someone help me what can i do or say...


he lives far never really been in a long distance relationship....



someone please help

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Not really sure why you'd want a relationship with some guy that you argue with constantly. No matter what he wants. You've just been talking for a month and it's always contentious? This does not bode well. Forget anything more than friendship with him - if you can call it that!

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