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Well I did it!


After not phoning the b/f since last tuesday (only to get my licence sent out) he phoned back today, and unlike a week ago, he actually sat there making convo with me for an hour....


I told him about all the great times ive been having but only seemed midly interested in what he was telling me...it seemed to work...


What does bother me though, is that he said he was having a fun time being free, and he took his ex (they broke up around 6 years ago) to dinner before he met his friends...and aparently some girls went up to him later, and he still told them he is not interested in them...but he still sees his ex it seems.......but not the one he broke up with before me, cause he didnt think this is right...


Then he bought up that he wanted to take me to serpentine falls not next weekend but the weekend after.....i said yes cause i want to see him, and see if we get back together.....


He said he hasnt really been thinking about us, cause he is just trying to concentrate on goals and having fun and it would be an instinct thing.....


He said he is happy with the space i am giving him and genuinely seemed like he wanted to talk...


It just seems like he is not missing me as much as i am missing him, and it hurts me to feel like he is pulling away more...


But i do now realise there are plenty of more fish in the sea who would love someone like me, but to me, this guy seems to be the only guy who i want to be with......




Julia in Australia

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