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feeling like i cant get it all out

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I must be in the bathroom like,5 times every hour.I feel like I have to go,then when I'm done urinating,it doesnt feel as though,I emptied my bladder.It still feels like I have a full bladder.This is weird.


My regular doctor is on vacation this week and I dont know what to to do.



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I'm not a doctor and I'm surely not trying to diagnose you, but it sounds like you have a Urinary Tract Infection (sometimes referred to as a "UTI" or a "bladder infection" or "cystitis").


Women get them more frequently than men. They're very common.


Common symptoms of a UTI is:


-having to pee frequently

-feeling a real "pressure" feeling over your bladder area

-peeing frequent small amounts

-never feeling like you've fully emptied your bladder

-sometimes you can notice blood in your urine or on the toilet paper, after you've wiped


You need to have this checked out. If your doctor is away on vacation, surely he's left another doctor to take his place while he's gone.....I can't see any doctor just going on vacation and having no replacement. Did you call his office and ask if there's someone else you can see??


Urinary Tract Infections will NOT go away on their own. There are NO "home remedies" for them. They require the urine being tested (they get you to pee in a special little cup) and analyzed, to determine if you have an infection and WHAT KIND of bacteria is present..and then they order antibiotics based on that (urine culture).


Get yourself into a doctor today.......even if it's a walk-in clinic or whatever you have around where you live.


Untreated Urinary Tract Infections can become worse, you'll feel more miserable, and they can lead to a kidney infection.


Here's a link with info on urinary tract infections:




Get yourself to a doctor today, so this can be checked out and treated promptly..you'll feel much better.

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