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Why such a disproportionate amount of men on this topic ??

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And not just on the LS site, but in others on the net I've found like it.


Thoughts ??

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On the in Search Of topic.


With gender population split 50/50, its an easy conclusion to draw that for every lonely and frustrated young male there has to be a lonely and frustrated young female out there.


Yet, internet messageboards for the lonely and frustrated seem to be dominated by males. Do the girls internalize it more ?? Or are men more confused and frustrated and up and arms with ever changing gender roles from late 20th century movements, therefore venting more ??

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I think that LS overall has more female than male posters, and In Search Of doesn't seem to have many more male than female topic starters. For the longest while, fellows seemed few and far between on LS, in fact. The few who turned up were celebrated. I think we've had an influx of young males from high school and early university of late but otherwise I don't think the proportions are all that different.

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