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I am a "small" guy

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If a woman laughs at you when you become erect, maybe you shouldn't be sleeping with her in the first place. Even though size isn't everything it's still important. I do think what's more important is how you work it. I am a female and I do prefer sizely men, however within the couple of guys I have been with one was considerably smaller than what I expected. The funny thing is, he made me orgasm a log quicker than the sizely man. Isn't that funny? Just continue to work it, with the right people!!!

I honestly have a very little penis and when I get intimate with women they laugh at me. Please help!!
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I honestly have a very little penis and when I get intimate with women they laugh at me. Please help!!



You're problem is not the size of your penis. The problem is the women you choose to have relationships with. Please refer to the "Does size matter?" thread previously discussed on this message forum.



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