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Do looks matter to you?

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Originally posted by purpleknif67

Seriously Vivid? hmmm.....


As a heart attack, darling!


Throughout the forum, I've probably posted something on this topic around 10 times and every time, I've said the same thing.


Why? Are you a bombshell? :)



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Looks though it sounds shallow are very important. It's hard to be with someone you're not attracted to.


What I have found though is that a person's inner being can change the way you look at them. I was with this guy that was considered *Hot*. He ended up being a abuser and now I find him one of the most repulsive guys I've ever seen.


I have this guy friend which most people may call ugly but he is one of the most wonderful people I have ever met and in my eyes he is one of the most Beautiful Hottest Guys around!

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That's the whole point. Maybe the question should be changed to 'does someone have to be considered great-looking by model standards', since so many replies are 'looks DO matter, but I have grown to love the looks of someone not usually considered good-looking' :laugh:


It seems a lot of people agree that personality can turn someone into an attractive, highly desirable human even if modelling agencies are not beating a path to his or her door :D

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I feel that he doesn't have to be a drop dead hunk. Personality brings out attraction although good looks are a plus!



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i think there're two separate questions here:


1 - how much do a potential mate's looks matter to you?

2 - what kind of looks attract you?


I know I'm not attracted to "mainstream types", nor most models. However, a guy's look surely matters to me - even though what i look for in it isn't what someone else seeks. Personality can change your attraction level, but not by much, i don't think... charm and manners, on the other hand, can.


my 2c,


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for girls, im not too demanding. truthfully, i really dig those down-to-earth type of girls.


as long as you're average looking, and you have a great personality & the way you dress mixes into someone really attractive. you dont have to dress sexy or slutty. just dress like you want to dress, i dig girls with the ol jeans and sweatshirt or shirt & shoes.


girls that are friendly, honest, and faithful, at least doing something with their lives (job) will definitely get on my list, most importantly: they know how to hold a smart conversation and know how to have fun. and when these type of girls gives me a bright beautiful smile, i easily grow more atracted to them just like that! a genuine smile, not those fake ones.


if it was someone hot and had an ugly personality, then no matter how much makeup she puts on i'd still be turned off by her.

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Do looks matter to me - well, yes and no. They matter to a point, but after that it doesn't matter anymore. A good looking girl will draw my attention right away, but its her personality, who she is inside that really matters. Take a good looking girl, and a not-so-good looking girl. The good looking one would catch my attention first, and if she had a good personality, if she was a great person, then I'd be attracted to her, but if her personality was not what I enjoy in a girl, then I'd move on to not-so-good looking one with the same criteria. In the end, looks do not matter, but if all both were the identical person underneath the outside, the good-looking one would win out because her great looks made me try her out first.


Once I've found someone I really like - I see other girls, but none of them are as beautiful as my girl. Some may be prettier, some may not be, but its the person inside that keeps me interested, and thats what makes her beautiful. I tend to remain interested until I see that there is no hope for a relationship between us, then, and only then, do I move on.

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has been a pencilled neck dork to everyone around me. :rolleyes: But to me they were the finest thing walking and the more in love I fell with them the better they looked to me. :love: So I guess I go for personality and heart is a big one for me too. I don't like to think that its all about looks because. You know how you see these drop dead gorgeous chicks with these low life losers and vice versa. :eek: I know that more of the population don't care about looks if you love someone there is no one finer then them. At least for me. :laugh:


A man has to be: emotional, caring, forgiving, loyal, trust worthy, kind, helpful, good listener, romantic, hung, :o lol and willing, I am all of thee above and then some. To bad there isn't any man out there willing to be grateful to have all them things and more. ;) But its cool because I am finding out being single is all right for me now. Being that I'm thirty-something I am so surprised at how many men really check me out, just knowing that gives me the confidence to be able to be alone. :cool: Being told by most of my ex'es that I am nothing, nobody will ever want me and crap like that I was afraid to be alone. Now I am so cool :cool: with it. Maybe some of you on here should search within for what you feel is missing in your life it just may be YOU! :love:

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Absolutely, looks do matter. Looks have a lot to do with a person's self esteem and confidence. I haven't met a single unattractive person that was very confident or had much self esteem.


I have a thing for Ben Affleck, and Kevin, you kind of look like him. I don't know if anyone else thinks that, but I think you look ALOT like him. In fact, when I first saw your posts, I thought you were using his picture! LOL

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You're like the third or fourth person who's told me that in my life.


I don't see it whatever, but hell, I think he's a good looking dude, and the ladies seem to like him, so okay, I'll go with it and say a big THANKS. :)

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The picture didn't work.


I guess in some of my pics I may look an eensy weensy bit like him, but meh...

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The picture didn't work.


Sorry. Should've tested the link. Both now work.

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Definately looks matter....


I like girls from the ghetto with the junk in the trunk.....and kevin looks kinda like eric bana to me. More clean shaven tho.

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Originally posted by Fedup&givingup

Absolutely, looks do matter. Looks have a lot to do with a person's self esteem and confidence. I haven't met a single unattractive person that was very confident or had much self esteem.


i partially agree on this one, this isnt completely true tho. i have 2 friends, they have low self-esteem and not really confident. or try to fake their confidence. both guys that are unattractive. altho i do have a good female friend, she's about average looking and she has good confidence & self esteem.

i also find unattractive ppl ignorant for som reason.


i do believe it's possible to increase your attractiveness to a certain extent, groom that beard/ shave clean. and do something wit hthat freakin haircut. style it, gel it, wax it...etc. just do something about it. those 2 guy friends i mentioned? well they can do soemthing about it, but they do nothing with their hair, it goes all around their head and thats it, but they just like to be ignorant. dress nicely, not a lousy sweatshirt and pants all day long with sneakers. at least semi casual so you'll get noticed :)



greyskies: u a fortune teller?? cause the pic loks like one :)

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