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signs he is nOt into you

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I don't know what kind of relationship you have with this guy you're inquiring about, but my number one way to find out if a guy is really not into me, is that he doesn't take me home to his parents.


This has happened to me on many occasions.. they want to hang out with you, but refuse to bring you home with them, and make up lame excuses not to, or refuse to go somewhere where you'd meet their close friends.

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joking around flirting:


-equal attention to all other members of the preferred sex

-making fun of your taste or teasing you lightly about some annoying habit

-proclaiming you and some other member of the social group (of either gender) might be sexually congressed.

-light ass pattery and punching;carrying you about, general group roughhousing

-disinterest in being alone with you but friendly to you while in groups

-talking of other girls in whom he is interested around you

-cutting you off or boredom when you try to hoist any chick problems on him -nice, but pointedly uninvolved.



i think in general is safe to assume that, in everyday life, friendly platonic interest is the norm, and romantic interest is the exception. (conversely, in a club, sexual interest is the norm, friendship is the exception, and romance is not really an option) a lot of my guy friends are really weirded out by girls who think that a phone call or email indicates some kind of relationship and that obligating assumption would quell any sparks that might otherwise exist, as well as damper a possible friendship.


what signs are you getting or not getting? give us a case study to work with.

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