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Being Stupid

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Hi Everyone,

I know I'm a fool but this is the only place I can post how I feel.

As previously posted I had emergency op and it was scary:sick:.

I have now exchanged several polite emails and although STBXH is an absolute git- I miss him.:(

I know it's probably the after effects of surgery and all that but I feel that I have really slipped back.

I can't confide in anyone else as I have been very lucky and I've had a lot of love and support from friends and what remains of the family, and they would be very hurt and angry if they realised that I had even been in contact with him.

But I miss him.:(

I don't think I'll ever get over him.

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Hi Everyone,

I know I'm a fool but this is the only place I can post how I feel.

As previously posted I had emergency op and it was scary:sick:.

I have now exchanged several polite emails and although STBXH is an absolute git- I miss him.:(

I know it's probably the after effects of surgery and all that but I feel that I have really slipped back.

I can't confide in anyone else as I have been very lucky and I've had a lot of love and support from friends and what remains of the family, and they would be very hurt and angry if they realised that I had even been in contact with him.

But I miss him.:(

I don't think I'll ever get over him.



I have been experiencing the same thing lately...because we have been very civil, even friendly, had a few pleasant phone conversations the last couple of days which softened me up and brought back nice memories of when things between us were great. I have been trying to figure out what to do with all these feelings and I, too feel like I am being stupid cause the last couple of months has been pure torture.


I guess its just nice to see the bad side of them disappear, if even for a little while and see the part of them that made us love them back in the day.


I just tell myself that this may just be another phase with him that will pass and the ugly side of him could return at any moment! Hang in there cause God knows thats what i am doing!

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You have had a big shock with your recent health problems and will understandably have felt/still feel vulnerable. But at the end of the day he's an ar$e (you know he is really ;)). Just remember who was there for you when it really mattered - your children and your friends. They were there to look after you just as you have looked after them - that is a healthy balanced relationship and you deserve their love and support. Whereas he deserves a swift kick in the bo%%ocks :D

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You have had a big shock with your recent health problems and will understandably have felt/still feel vulnerable. But at the end of the day he's an ar$e (you know he is really ;)). Just remember who was there for you when it really mattered - your children and your friends. They were there to look after you just as you have looked after them - that is a healthy balanced relationship and you deserve their love and support. Whereas he deserves a swift kick in the bo%%ocks :D

Thank you ANNE1707 I needed that for being so pathetic!:D

Its just good to use this forum to get to grips with things- I'll keep plodding on- perhaps there's a new guy out there somewhere.:o

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I knew you would take it the right way :)


Some guy? MY H has just mentioned that his brother is now "available". However knowing him, I would not wish that on you :laugh:

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