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The Compliment Thread

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Awwww, Pyro and CE of course for their sweetness and for sharing their love with us all, the lovely, kind Kamille,as well as SB129 when she comes around.


Alpha, Art, and Johan for making us laugh AND giving good advice at the same time !


Mr Orange, Moai, Amerijikan, the collecter and Irish carbomb for their insightful political posts.


D-lish, Donnamaybe, Mutant debutante, Mary3, stargazer and TBF for being cool, smart, fun ladies.


And Spookie and shadowplay for always supplying a much better storyline than anything on TV.:laugh:


So many more, but time to run !!!

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Ronni W is unfailingly smart, thoughtful and kind, SB129 is so heartfelt in her parenting posts, and I loved tinktronik's Halloween idea. Melody has been so strong through adversity. Welikeincrowds, sweetjasmine and XXOO have a habit of saying what I was about to say, but saying it better than I could have--and XXOO in particular is just much nicer than I am. Mme. Chaucer and 2sure seem like the kind of gracious, kick ass broad I'd like to have a cocktail with. Art Critic and Gorilla Theater seem like all-around great guys and probably great husbands. Trimmer and Owl are ever-wise.


There are more, but I'm tired and not firing on all cylinders today.

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Me thinks this is going to turn into a popularity contest. Either way, I'll contribute.


The best compliment I can give is that if I were President of LoveShack, I would pick these people to be on my cabinet:


VP: JamesM

Secretary of State: TBF

Attorney General: Skydiveaddict

Secretary of Homeland Security: Tony

Secretary of Education: Teacher's Pet

Secretary of Health and Human Services: alphamale

Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Carhill

Secretary of Energy: northstar1

Secretary of Treasury: Gold Pile

Secretary of Labor: DesertIslandCactus


Those are all of the cabinet members I can think of right now...



Oh, and Homecoming Queen to D-Lish

Homecoming King to Owl


Master of the Universe: Art_Critic

Rival for Master of the Universe: Johan

Alpha, Gold, and ArtC do make me LOL sometimes. More nominations to follow as I'm just starting my Loveshack exploration.
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Mutant Debutante

Aw, thanks, MM! I like you too! Theater chicks are cool :laugh:.


That reservoire dog guy clearly has good taste in movies.

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Lots of hugs and a "where are you" to those that greeted me during a difficult time when I first joined:


BTDT, Frannie, Norajane, puddleofmud, movinon05, Romeo Must Die, oyster, Bonehead, Love Hurts, and many more...please give an update should you read this, I miss you!


Today, there are soooo many:


Jennie-Jennie, it goes without saying you saved my life with a few of your threads, I found great insight and we have lead the same lives, it just blows my mind:). Your the best!


DesertIslandCactus, you make me have to use your entire username because the initials could be misconstruded as an insult:lmao:! Thank you for being consistant in everything!!!!!!!


WhiteFlower, I miss you as your writing style and general intelligence has helped me immensely. I hope all is well with you, and I love you!:)


Fallen Angel, I love your tenancity and thank you for being my friend, I miss you, although understand:)


OWoman, I absolutely love your writing style and you have a heart bigger than this world...intelligence doesnot begin to describe you. You should be a writer:).


Silly Girl, you are so cool and thank you when the heat is on you stand in there!:) Keep up the good work!


JWI, you are the best, period.:p Dex, TP, James, Owl, CH, SP, Patriot you guys are my heros and inspiration...I hit the submit button too soon...there are so many others I love dearly GBU all!


Open Book!!!!!!! ((((((((((hugs))))))))) JJ33, I love ya girl (I wonder how long this will let me edit)....SidLyon ((((hugs))))


TBF, thank you...remember RMD, I miss her....BTW TBF, you are beautiful on the inside as well as out!

Edited by pureinheart
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Thanks! I'm in your administration.:cool:


Of course you are! We need an actual gold pile in the Federal Reserve, and some of your posts/comments are pure gold--thus, Secretary of Treasury.


Like your Bad Massage Parlor thread: I WTFed and laughed until the cows came home. Hilarious.


(The cows send their best regard.)




Oh, and pureinheart is another great poster on loveshack--very loving and caring responses. OpenBook also always gives great responses. Oh, and I can't forget deux ex machina, though I haven't seen her as of late. She and TBF were great when I needed a boast a few months back--if it weren't for them, I doubt I would have gotten my papers written!



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welikeincrowds and irishcarbomb for writing posts that literally intellectually turn me on.


D-Lish for just inspiring me every day.


sb129, anne1707, allina, dropdeadlegs (miss her), Kamille and melodymatters for knowing just the right thing to say to calm me down/make me feel better/laugh with and being there for me during some pretty tough times.


Hokie for just being him.

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Of course you are! We need an actual gold pile in the Federal Reserve, and some of your posts/comments are pure gold--thus, Secretary of Treasury.


Like your Bad Massage Parlor thread: I WTFed and laughed until the cows came home. Hilarious.


(The cows send their best regard.)




Oh, and pureinheart is another great poster on loveshack--very loving and caring responses. OpenBook also always gives great responses. Oh, and I can't forget deux ex machina, though I haven't seen her as of late. She and TBF were great when I needed a boast a few months back--if it weren't for them, I doubt I would have gotten my papers written!




Thanks AS, your not so bad yourself!!!!! LOL in fact you are such a breath of fresh air in the Spirituality forum. I came back to this thread to quote your previous post and agree as it was so true and cute...also forgot to add GEL, without her in the beginning and NID, I mean their support was priceless!


Came back also to say that DOT has an amazing testamony, and has overcome a lot and to thank her for starting this thread...I love to be happy and laugh, say happy things ...thanks again DOT!!!!!

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I think melodymatters and Allina have probably helped me the most. Always supportive, giving me advice that really made me think. Thanks ladies! :)

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Lots of my favourites no longer seem to post, and I've no idea whether they lurk, so I'll stick with mentioning those I've seen posting recently.


TBF - the kind of person who would not only help a good friend to conceal the body, but would ensure the entire process ran like clockwork.


Gorilla Theater, Grogster and Crusoe. They all seem gentlemanly and sane...with a good sense of humour.


Sally4Sara, Veronika K, Lucrezia Borgia and Open Book. Ladies with a past which lends a certain intrigue and insight to their writings. I've also been liking Flying's posts lately. She has that kind of good humoured sanity and intelligence that I also see in Kamille's posts and sb129's. Same with Citizen Erased and Pyro....both of whom have a good balance between positivity and appreciation of irony. Johan. A tortured soul who makes me laugh - but with, rather than at, him. Great sense of humour. TaraMaiden who I often get confused with. There's something very jolly about her. Shadowplay for the drama and the input about artistic matters.


Green...bless him. He isn't Shakespeare, but I give him credit for being the likeable Borat of the board. Even if he does make himself unpopular from time to time with obesity-related threads. E.clipse. Sweet and a bit insane.


Woggle. What would the board be without his perpetual complaining? He should come to the UK where he'd be incredibly happy. We f*cking love a good bitching session. The subject isn't important, provided it's something we all agree should be stopped. Which means, pretty much everything.


Stung, Madame Chaucer, That Girl and a couple of others whose names escape me just now...but who often write pretty much what I'm thinking, and who must therefore be good eggs. Star Gazer for being involved in so many spicy catfights. Art Critic and Quankanne for emanating warmth and goodwill in their writing. If your car was stranded in a ditch, these two are the people you would hope would drive up. Before one of the various unmentionables on this board did....bearing an axe and an expression of eye rolling and tongue-lolling insanity. Add WWIU to that list (of sound, decent people who you would be glad to see in a situation like that).


Also Tony for trying very hard to be fair. Even if you did once infract me for a one of my pre-approved while on moderated status posts. Are we now allowed an insults thread where we name names, and the phrase ad hominem is forbidden?

Edited by Taramere
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Lots of my favourites no longer seem to post, and I've no idea whether they lurk, so I'll stick with mentioning those I've seen posting recently.


TBF - the kind of person who would not only help a good friend to conceal the body, but would ensure the entire process ran like clockwork.


Gorilla Theater, Grogster and Crusoe. They all seem gentlemanly and sane...with a good sense of humour.


Sally4Sara, Veronika K, Lucrezia Borgia and Open Book. Ladies with a past which lends a certain intrigue and insight to their writings. I've also been liking Flying's posts lately. She has that kind of good humoured sanity and intelligence that I also see in Kamille's posts and sb129's. Same with Citizen Erased and Pyro....both of whom have a good balance between positivity and appreciation of irony.


Green...bless him. He isn't Shakespeare, but I give him credit for being the likeable Borat of the board. Even if he does make himself unpopular from time to time with obesity-related threads. E.clipse. Sweet and a bit insane.


Woggle. What would the board be without his perpetual complaining? He should come to the UK where he'd be incredibly happy. We f*cking love a good bitching session. The subject isn't important, provided it's something we all agree should be stopped. Which means, pretty much everything.


Stung, Madame Chaucer and a couple of others whose names escape me just now...but who often write pretty much what I'm thinking, and who must therefore be good eggs. Star Gazer for being involved in so many spicy catfights. Art Critic and Quankanne for emanating warmth and goodwill in their writing. If your car was stranded in a ditch, these two are the people you would hope would drive up. Before one of the various unmentionables on this board did....bearing an axe and an expression of eye rolling and tongue-lolling insanity.


Also Tony for trying very hard to be fair. Even if you did once infract me for a one of my pre-approved while on moderated status posts. Are we now allowed an insults thread where we name names, and the phrase ad hominem is forbidden?


Muwah lady! I even named my warrior princess after you in a game I played called Oblivion for a bit. She helped me beat the game till it just wasn't even fun anymore for the fish in a barrel effect her awesomeness caused.


My favorites on here that I can remember off the top of my head are:


Donnamaybe, Tara Maiden, Taramere, Gorilla Theater, Stung, Hokie, Resevoirdog, Art Critic, and RubySlippers. There are plenty I know I'm either forgetting or enjoy but don't always agree with (such as TBF or Carhill. Don't always agree with their input but still admire that they stick to logic in their views). I don't always agree with Quankanne either, but I can tell she has integrity, a strong sense of honor, and has seen some bad stuff go down while retaining a sense of humor. Not to mention how cute Pyro and CE are! I miss Touche and Dreamergirl.


And I have some honorable mentions to add because I use to dislike them but have come to see them in a better light:


UntouchableFire, Mr. Nate (I'm willing to admit I didn't give him a fair shot initially), Woggle (I'm surprised over the soft spot I developed for him over the years! I use to loathe him!)

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Yeah, I'm going to have to mention Gunny too.


We do not share political views and I struggle a bit with deciphering his posts but!


He does embody the traits of my uncles and grandfather that I admire dispite our differences in that he has a no nonsense approach and thru and thru and is a man of action. That's pretty cool in my book so I always put that extra effort into reading his posts.

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Muwah lady! I even named my warrior princess after you in a game I played called Oblivion for a bit. She helped me beat the game till it just wasn't even fun anymore for the fish in a barrel effect her awesomeness caused.


Yay! is that some sort of shooting game? I used to shoot with an air pistol when I was a teen (I was in a tetrathlon team). In practice sessions I had a great aim, but it would all go horribly wrong in competition as my hand would shake - so I'm delighted to hear that Taramere came through for you in Oblivion.


You do get a strong sense of who people are, I think, on this board. I've actually met up with three people from this board while on my travels...though none of them post any more. Actually, I think Collector does occasionally - but I didn't mention him in the last post because I haven't seen him around here for ages. Anyway, all three I met were very like who they appeared to be on the board.


It's pretty funny when you meet someone from here. You'll be chatting away in a normal volume voice, then suddenly you mention the dreaded word "Loveshack" - whispered, while looking furtively around in case some Loveshack foe or psychotic Loveshack lurker happens to be at the next table listening in.


I can't believe I didn't mention Amerikajin or Moai. Those guys are great in the political section.

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Yay! is that some sort of shooting game?


Its more a sword and archery game. You also ended up being quite the alchemist, the head of the Fighters, Mages, Thieves, and Assassins guilds. In fact, if there was a title to be held in that game, you namesake earned it in the end. OH, and you were a vampire for a bit as well but you cured yourself. :p

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Its more a sword and archery game. You also ended up being quite the alchemist, the head of the Fighters, Mages, Thieves, and Assassins guilds. In fact, if there was a title to be held in that game, you namesake earned it in the end. OH, and you were a vampire for a bit as well but you cured yourself. :p


Holy ****. I must have eaten a bit of Meerkat Stew. That would be enough to cure anybody of vampirism.

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Holy ****. I must have eaten a bit of Meerkat Stew. That would be enough to cure anybody of vampirism.


Sorry, I'm not allowed to even mention that guy without getting an infraction even though he SUPPOSEDLY doesn't participate here anymore. :rolleyes:


I wonder, if that's the case, just who it is hitting the alert button? :confused::p

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Others I like:


Donnamaybe - no messing, tells it as it is and makes me laugh


Carhill - been through so much, learnt so much, not afraid to express how he feels and has a great cat


Melodymatters - nobody should have to go through what she has had to yet she is still here and fighting


Dexter - he has given me such a hard time but I deserved it and needed it at the time


Taramaiden - I just :love: this woman


Gorilla Theater and Art Critic - for the way they post about family life and what really matters at the end of the day


Geishawhelk - whatever happened to her........


Wuggle - well I could hardly not compliment my Wuggle :D. Cares, does not suffer fools and hates bullies.

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Ariadne needs a mention. She's like a wasp that has taken ecstasy. Filled up with love for humanity, but just can't help stinging humanity from time to time. Gets stung back, of course, but takes it in good part and doesn't bear grudges....which is a very charming quality.


Feelin Frisky - often writes funny and entertaining posts. As of course does Gold Pile, though his finest hour for me will always be the Gold Diggers Thread of some time ago. That thread is probably be my all time favourite.


HarmfulSweetz - has a chirpy, cheery Britgirl vibe. Reminds me of girls I hung out with when I stayed in London back in my late teens.


Alphamale because he's just such a staple of this board...though he doesn't post with the confidence of yesteryear, and I find myself wondering why that is.


Posters past...I wasn't going to mention them, but I was sorry when Outcast/Moimeme stopped posting...even though I often disagreed with her. She was so conviction filled and principled, that even when you were at loggerheads with her you couldn't help but admire her.

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Dexter-for telling it as it is!

Anne 1707- ditto


Willowthewisp- ditto

All great helpful posters- sorry if I missed any ...oh yeah Gorilla Theatre he makes me laugh!:D

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Its more a sword and archery game. You also ended up being quite the alchemist, the head of the Fighters, Mages, Thieves, and Assassins guilds. In fact, if there was a title to be held in that game, you namesake earned it in the end. OH, and you were a vampire for a bit as well but you cured yourself. :p


Oblivion stole so many hours of my life...

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Hats off to the following:

Donnamaybe- Greatest one liners and somewhat off the wall...quick witted!

Stargazer- Realistic and reasonable. Strong intellect...admirable.

Carhill- Generous and respectfull ....keeps an open mind and express's himself well.

Woggle- What can I say about a guy who had a messed up mother and still at times desires to be loved....Truly a textbook guy of trying to overcome things...


To the many posters oldtimers and newcomers alike, a special shoutout for sharing and giving a new spin on matters...Sometimes its that droplet of insight or knowledge that can aide a member..and I personally appreciate reading it!!

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I have a few in mind:


theBrokenMuse -- For so eloquently putting into words what I can not. Such wisdom, beautiful person!!


Taramaiden -- For telling it like it is, even when you don't want to hear it. Yet continuing to support even through the struggle. Wonderful human being :bunny:


HarmfulSweets and Jannah -- These are two girls that I could see myself being friends with IRL. Fierce, humorous, and all around great women. :love:


welikeincrowds -- Sees things from outside the box, has a strong opinion and yet admits when he is wrong.


Ajax -- Perfect example of how a break up should be handled. Focuses on what's most important, himself, while having a curious and open minded outlook on what the future holds.

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