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"Hope your ok"


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today has been a big day, 2yrs ago to this day we first started dating, i trying my hardest to move on. strangeways, alwayshopin, ajax, gt.ooh, leandro ect i always check your posts out not to mention return to sender, lapse and many others.


i'v felt pain before in my life through losing a close friend to cancer when i was younger and also watching family members pass away and also others being suddenly took from my life.


but i'v not felt rejection before. which is hard to deal with, my friend is about to get involved with a women and i'v told him as long as he has respect for her and doesn't rush things then he wont go wrong.


i'v got friends that brag about how many women they have slept with, i'v even got a friend who films himself sleeping with women, he even tried it on with my ex just a few weeks back so i will have a quiet word with him when i get the chance, i might even bite his nose off.


the one good thing i can take from this relationship is that i know having respect for peoples feelings and having respect for women and also yourself is not a bad thing, it doesn't make you a pussy, it makes you a good person in life.


i'm just realising i have never felt as happy and proud making some1 else smile and laugh "ie" my ex, its the best feeling in the world to give laughter and happiness to another regardless of what you, yourself has been through in life.


maybe not tomorrow or the day after but i know inside im capable of making some young women happy.


i'v been to my friends house tonight to set some fireworks off for his baby, every1 was in couples so i didn't stay long but i hope to feel that love and joy 1 day where you can sit back with a good women and a child and just be contempt with what life has given you.


i know deep down inside she wasn't the 1, but i still love/loved her like nothing else in the world, i didn't smother her, cling to her i just tried my damned hardest to make sure she was happy.


its been tough today i'v tried sleeping for most of the day just to get through, i cant see light at the end of the tunnel yet but im expecting it soon.

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swfc_77 your posts are one of the regulars I read and I just wanted to say that you have all our support! You've come a long way and you should be proud of yourself. I know today was a hard day for you but I'm glad you got out of your house and interacted with others! You are right in saying you're capable of loving and making another woman happy. I know you'll get that chance again and she'll be a lucky lady!


Stay strong, you got this - that light is there

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i'v been to my friends house tonight to set some fireworks off for his baby, every1 was in couples so i didn't stay long but i hope to feel that love and joy 1 day where you can sit back with a good women and a child and just be contempt with what life has given you.


i know deep down inside she wasn't the 1, but i still love/loved her like nothing else in the world, i didn't smother her, cling to her i just tried my damned hardest to make sure she was happy.


its been tough today i'v tried sleeping for most of the day just to get through, i cant see light at the end of the tunnel yet but im expecting it soon.



Things will fall into place eventually. That eventually part is the kicker though, isn't it? I'm hard pressed to think of any of my friends who are single, so I know what it's like to be living in a couples world. Somehow I'm usually the odd man out.


I also relate when you say you just tried to make her happy. Same here. I however, did think she was the one. But the world keeps turning eh?


I think that light at the end of the tunnel is coming too. One thing I've realized is that nothing is forever, and that includes tough times.

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Ajax I like that - Nothing lasts forever, even the tough times. (Don't know how to do the quote thing). Well said.

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