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Hi everyone:


Ok, I recently posted here about a "friend" I have who I'm suddenly attracted to and the feeling seemed to be mutual, etc., etc.


Ok, we finally discussed this situation Saturday night. I've been getting kind of impatient about him not kissing me (I know this is my issue, but patience has never been my strong suit) so I made a joke about it and he told me he wants to, and is attracted to me, feels connected to me, and appreciates our friendship, etc., etc.


However, he is someone who knows he is incapable of just being casual in these situations and he's afraid of losing me from his life if things don't work out between us. I told him there's no way to predict the outcome of these things and regardless the relationship we have right now will have to change. Simply because we have a kind of "romantic friendship" right now. We talk on the phone for hours at a time, go out on the weekends and flirt shamelssly. Obviously if either of us met someone new, this would stop or change. He agreed with this and asked me what I was looking for. Of course, I felt put on the spot so I just told him I'm open to whatever. He is convinced that even if it started out as a "thing" between us it would turn into a "thing thing" (his words). So, ok fine. I didn't argue with him. I understand his concerns. I assured him I would still like him the same either way (and I meant that). He says he just wants to play it by ear and wait to be swept up in the emotion of the moment (so he doesn't have time to over think). We saw each other last night and we hugged each other good night with a hug so long and so passionate I could barely see straight afterwards.


Here's my question: I really feel like I can enter into this situation with no expectations and he's made it clear that if we do this, he's really gonna "do" this. Should I be concerned about this difference between us? I wonder if he might end up putting too much pressure on himself, on me and on the relationship...I really like him, but I feel our best chance will come out of us just going for it without anaysing it or expecting too much (by the way, there's an age difference here: I'm 31, he's 25. This is probably affecting my attitude also).

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Forget the age difference...and forget about everything else. It sounds like the two of you have all the ingredients of a great romance. Being friends first, you have accepted each other exactly the way you are without all the pretentiousness.


I think this thing has a great chance if you just get into it, enjoy it, and be mature about it. And, of course, don't think about it so much...just enjoy it!!!

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