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Getting A Life....

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I want a change in my life despiritly, but don't have the motivation nor the ambition or anything to go about changing anything when I know I need a change. I find myself not wanting to go out at all and as much as it is because of money reasons and the lack there of I just don't end up doing anything.


When people ask me what I did on the weekends I want to be busy, but I am never doing anything. I want that to change, I want to get a life, but really don't know what to do. The ambition, or motivation to do anything is just not there. Anyone else have this problem.

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I think you are depressed. You a a good person, you are nice, smart and attarctive, you have simply let yourself fall into a mental catch-22 and need to get out of it.

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longlegz; many of us have suggested you might be depressed. Long ago, you said you would see a physician, but you still have not. A life will just not drop into your lap; you have to at least get out of your rut enough to help yourself. SEE A PHYSICIAN. Quit coming up with excuses, just go - or you'll end up still posting the same thing years from now.

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....and as much as it is because of money reasons....


I just combed thru your post to see if this was in there. I had a feeling money/insurance was part of the problem.


As much as I truly sympathize, having been in that boat myself, I still think there must be a way to break through the issue somehow. PM me if you need help figuring it out, if need be.

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