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Does she like me

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Ok so I kinda like this one girl, like a lot. I've known her for a year now but didn't really have an interest until a month ago. So here is what went down


-We went to a haunted house as a grade and she wouldn't let go of me for a while

-She asked me for my number afterwords

-Everytime we're at a party or something we give each other a hug

-I slow danced with her through half a song the other night. (Keep in mind this was an 8th grade dance and she danced with a couple other guys too)

-We have this joke going on in our class saying i love u not the yo (dont ask its an inside kind of thing) but she wrote me a note that said Patrick I love you. And gave it to me, I don't know if she was being funny or not, but then she quickly took it back and added the name to the guy sitting next to me, i dont know if she didnt want him to feel bad or what.


I just need some more things that might give me a clue she likes me, I don't know what to do.

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I just need some more things that might give me a clue she likes me


Like jumping up and down and waving a red flag?!? :p


I don't know what to do.


Ask her out?


I'd say there is a pretty good chance that she is interested. You'll never know for sure unless you ask her!

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