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He'll flirt with anyone and anything

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I have been seeing a guy for about 6 months now. He is the biggest flirt I have ever met. I think he'd flirt with a potplant if it was there. He flirts with everyone all the time, from the older women at his office to the girl on the train. He even flirts with gay guys, but let's not go there. He would not pursue any of them, and is very serious about monogomy in our relationship. Although I know that it is part of his personality and that deep down, he is just a people pleaser, it is annoying and sometimes embarresing to see him flirt so openly with people, at times right in front of me.


He knows that I feel insecure when he's like this and that it makes me jealous, but it's like he can't help himself. Do you think there is something wrong with him, or should I just accept that he is a social guy??

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Just social, if he isnt doing anything more then flirting, though you might want to say something if it really bothers you.

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i've known a guy like that. i don't think his flirting means much indeed - just his way of being social.


but there's no right or wrong when it comes to it bothering you or not. if it does, you'll have to break up and look for somebody less flirtatious w/ potplants ;) if it doesn't bother you too much, stick with it. one other thing you can do is flirt with others in front of him more, see how he likes it.


i'm thinking for me... what i wouldn't tolerate is if he flirted with others in front of my family or close friends, or if his flirting w/ others took up more of his attention than me.


good luck,


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If i were you i'd flirt with people in front of him and see who he likes it . Then if he confronts you on it then you can tell him how he does it and how it upsets you and you wanted him to realise how it embarrasses you.

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I have been seeing a guy for about 6 months now. He is the biggest flirt I have ever met.


Maybe you should go out and flirt with everything in sight! Flip the script a little. Don't just stand around and watch. Fight fire with fire! :bunny:



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I've dated a couple guys who were like this.......and *at first*, it was somewhat entertaining.....as they'd always make people laugh. The guy would be flirty and loud and silly to any woman.....the girl at the customer service counter at K-Mart, the hostess in the restaurant, any woman that was in the elevator with us, you name it. But before long, it turned old and frankly, embarassing.....and it didnt bother me/make me jealous as much as it made me think he was really just an insecure toad who tried to compensate for that by being an obnoxious goof. Not all the women he loudly flirted with found him funny or cute. Some were rather put off, and thought he was extremely inappropriate, or else maybe wondering if he was on crack or something.


I tried at first to just accept that this was the way he was.......hell, he was a salesman, afterall...a people person. But in time, it got to the point where i would cringe when he put on his show....or I'd immediately walk away and pretend I didnt' know him.


That guy, your guy, and guys like him......that's just the way they are. I think deep down, they are very insecure and need a lot of ego-boosting......they have this really deep need to feel that women like them, and find them cute and funny. It's really quite lame, when you think about it...but whatever.


The fact is......these guys will not change. Ever. So it all comes down to you...............can you be happy with a guy like this? Can you contend with a guy who makes you feel insecure when he's flirting it up with every woman that walks and breathes? Does it make you feel disrespected? If so, can you be with someone longterm who makes you feel disrespected?


I put up with it for a couple of months...I tried to be openminded (I'm definitely not the 'center of attention, loud, class clown type of person').....but I grew tired of being embarassed, so I pulled the plug...and now, I avoid these kinds of guys like the plague. I find them overall, really immature. Just my opinion and experience. You have to decide if you can deal with this, cuz it ain't going away.

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