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I looked through my GF's Blackberry-not good

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You do know that she won't stop sexting with him ?


By the way.. good on you for taking a stand and moving out..


If you take her back make sure that he is part of any talks and make sure she ends it in front of you only..

You might even think about contacting him just to make sure she is on the up and up..

Normally I'm of the turn and burn type but you seem to still be hedging on her right now..


Do you want her back ?.. what if she still is going to be in contact with him ?

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You do know that she won't stop sexting with him ?



100% on the money.


wonderwhy, Don't drag it out any further. At best I felt she wants a "stable" relationship with you and some candy on the side. Why she went all ballistic when you left was because her cake-and-eat-it-too scenario was crushed.


If you needed to get some leftover stuff, make sure you get all of it and go classic NC. She's not ready to work on a real relationship with love, honesty, and respect.

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