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Riding a tricycle.

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I was introduced a few months ago to a girl that must be perfect in every way. I was introduced under false pretenses by a male friend that I later found out was just trying to get us to have a threesome with him. The fact that he claimed otherwise was what made This Girl and I feel hurt and betrayed, so we both stopped talking to him after we discovered his true intentions.

This Girl and I continued hanging out and talking every day, and loved getting to know each other. She's in an open relationship with the guy she lives with. She's been clear with him from the beginning that she has feelings for me, and he said he had no problem with her having a girlfriend. However, he has tagged along every time we've hung out because he said he doesn't trust her to be alone with me because his feelings would be hurt if she had sex with me without her. This is totally manipulative crap, because he cheats on her all the time.

She didn't want to cause drama, and wanted to be with me however she could, so she asked if I was comfortable sort of dating them both at once. I'm attracted to both of them, even though I know he's an ass, and wanted to make her happy, so I agreed.

It took a little while to build up, but eventually we had a threesome. He seemed very satisfied, but I talked to her afterward and we both revealed that it was a big sacrifice for us because we wanted to be together without him. We were both kind of on autopilot during the act.

Since then, a lot has been going on in her life and mine separately, so we've kept in touch but haven't hung out. She's been depressed and knows he treats her terribly, but loves him and doesn't want to let go yet. All I want is to be there for her and help her, and will wait as long as necessary to see if things could work with us.

Am I going about this the right way? What should I do?

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I would strongly suggest detaching from this situation and see where you land over the next little while.


There are waaayyy too many variables that make this really complex and it doesn't seem like anyone here is emotionally stable enought for an actual relationship.

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