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3 years later I feel something why?


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Back in 2006/2007 I dated a girl for 11 months. I don't know why I let it go on that long since I really was not attracted to her to begin with. She was a sweet girl, but just was not for me. So I ended things. Needless to say it wasn't a pleasent break up. I had no issues moving on as I started dating within a month.

Lets fast foward to today. I recently moved to her hometown, and not because of her. (she still does live here) and now i am getting upset about the break up 3 years later. If I would have known this was going to happen I wouln't have moved here.

I am passing some of the places we used to go when i'm around town and I guess it's bringing back memories. I am trying to tell myself that the relationship was horriblie which is why I ended it and try not to get upset. I don't have any contact with her at all. I don't have her info and I doubt she has mine. No facebook no nothing.

I do not want to get back with her thats not my intention here. Plus I found out she is expecting soon with her current b/f. Boy am I glad thats not me. I am on vacation from work until the 17th with very little to do during the day. Maybe I have too much time on my hands not sure.

I have been hurt before by other girlfriends and that was 100 times worse to what I am feeling now. The only symptons I feel now is a little sadness, not much motovation to do anything and a little trouble sleeping.

I just need some advice on how to get over this little funk. I want to be able to live my life in this area without thinking of her.



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It happens dude, you relapsed. That's what happened with me the last 3 years and now is that the side effects are small to the point of non existent because my x and I split. I use to have a girl that currently lives in Florida of Many years of being with her, the distance got to her and she ended getting pregnant, married and dump in a matter of 6 months, 3 years ago. The level of impact did a number on me! Again until this day I still feel the effects. I went 3 years no contact with her until I hit her up one day. We spoke

For about a month and she still in love with me, she saw the grass wasn't greener in the other side...Im real close to her family bc I knew them years before her.


My advice to you is, take it as a moment in time and learning experience. You left her for your reasons and remind yourself of that. I am currently telling myself that about my current X, who I left and wanted back like a moron as soon as a third party came in the picture.. I was in cruise control until I discover them. Now I'm suffering from morning glitches. Forget about memory lane and more forward...

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