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p.s. tony

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what would recommend i read? bradshaw too? my b'f wont read anything. i look at psychology stuff all the time on the net and he tells me to get off there and quit reading that crap. i never listen tho. i am search of myself. so would i read co-dependency stuff? do i sound like i have a lot of anger, depression or what ever else you said? i do suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks and had agorphobia years ago, but the only thing i suffer from now is still anxiety. don't like med tho. thank you again

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You certainly have some issues...but to accurately pinpoint them would take a personal interview. I still think you have repressed anger you are not in touch with...as a matter of fact I unconditionally guarantee it.


Yes, do read Bradshaw and other books on codependency. If you can afford it, see a highly qualified counsellor. You only live once!!!

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