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Have a bf but experiencing with another

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Me and my boyfriend have been going out for two years and I was starting to think that we would get married, until my best friend Julie got pregnant and is getting married this week. That's what made me start to think that I'm still too young just to settle down with one person, so one night I met this guy and we went to a hotel and I had the best sex in a while. I'm not saying that I don't enoy sex with my bf Dan but it's just a different experience. I can't seem to get this other guy out of my head and I really don't know what to do. I want to tell my boyfriend that I don't quite want to settle down with anybody but how do i do that? Any ideas? Please help I'm very confused!

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Your girlfriend got pregnant and got married. That made you start to think you're too young to settle down. So you met someone one night and went with him to a hotel and had sex. Highly logical so far. You do enjoy sex with your boyfriend but it was a different experience with this stranger. OK....yup. Now, you can't get the stranger out of your head. Sounds reasonable.


Do your boyfriend a real favor. Right now, no matter what time it is, meet with him, give him his stuff, and simply tell him you aren't ready to settle down. I think everyone reading your post would agree. That would be the very best gift you could ever give him. I can't think of a man alive on the planet who would want to tie you down and keep you from having different experiences.


Please don't tell your boyfriend what you did. It'll make him feel like he completely wasted the last two years of his life. Just let him know you need to move on...that you don't want to be tied down right now...and don't give him any hope for the immediate future. The way you do that is to just tell him straight away...just like you told your new friend you would go to the hotel with him.


The only idea I want to leave you with is almost every day on my local news, CNN or COPS, I see where a lady met a guy one night, went off somewhere with him and was murdered.


Your boyfriend is lucky you're alive to be able to tell him to get lost.


Hope your best friend Julie is doing well!!!

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