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broken hearts

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My boyfriend and I broke up for 3 weeks. I'm having a really hard time. I can't get to sleep at night and whenever I'm alone, I start thinking, and then crying. I missed him


Now this week he came to me and told me that he loves me and be with me and he is realy trying to take his time with me and we had a nice time.


but now i can't thrust him because he was dumper.Something was wrong so i can't lie on him to continue the relationship. because anytime he can come and breack up and i will be hurted. if somebody dummps you it realy hearts.


and the bad thing is i'm doing everything what he wants, because i 'm afraid to loose him


so i am confused love and thrust are like virginity, once you losse them you will never have it. thats what i feel now. i even don't know right now i 'm with him because i love him or i'm afraid to be alone??????????

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There was a reason the two of you broke up for three weeks. You both need to talk about the reason or reasons. If there were good grounds for the break up, you simply have to work on improving those areas of the relationship. There is no reason to distrust him if there were good and legitimate reasons why he left. As a matter of fact, if he left for certain reasons and those aren't corrected, he may become displeased with the relationship again.


If there were no good reasons why he broke up...if he just left you without any warning and with no good excuse...then you do have good reason not to trust him. If there weren't problems with the relationship, if all was going well, and he just took off without trying to work things out between the two of you, you do have a lot to worry about.


So you have to talk this out and find out what his reasons were. You cannot have a good relationship with someone who will not communicate feelings and stick around and work together to improve a relationship rather than work on it.


Once you have talked to him, you'll know whether to stay or leave. It doesn't make any difference whether you love him or not, you can't be in a relationship with someone who just takes off anytime he pleases and expects you to take him back when he wants.

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I know exactly how you feel. My boyfriend and I just broke up on Monday. We went out for five months, and we have been friends for two years. It really hurts when someone decides they don't want to be with you anymore especially when they are the one that wanted the relationship. The reason for the break up may not have anything to do with you. It might be his problem. Maybe he doesn't know what he wnats, and he doesn't want you to get more hurt than you already are. Don't blame yourself, and try not to let it get you down. I know that it's very hard. You can't stop memories from coming back into your dreams and thoughts. Just try to keep yourself busy. Go out with your friends. Take time for yourself. What's meant to be will be.

There was a reason the two of you broke up for three weeks. You both need to talk about the reason or reasons. If there were good grounds for the break up, you simply have to work on improving those areas of the relationship. There is no reason to distrust him if there were good and legitimate reasons why he left. As a matter of fact, if he left for certain reasons and those aren't corrected, he may become displeased with the relationship again. If there were no good reasons why he broke up...if he just left you without any warning and with no good excuse...then you do have good reason not to trust him. If there weren't problems with the relationship, if all was going well, and he just took off without trying to work things out between the two of you, you do have a lot to worry about. So you have to talk this out and find out what his reasons were. You cannot have a good relationship with someone who will not communicate feelings and stick around and work together to improve a relationship rather than work on it.


Once you have talked to him, you'll know whether to stay or leave. It doesn't make any difference whether you love him or not, you can't be in a relationship with someone who just takes off anytime he pleases and expects you to take him back when he wants.

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