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So i met this girl on a date website and we talked for a little online via emails or whatever then i asked if she wanted to go out possibly and meet. She said she was going to So-Cal to party with her friends on the weekend of Halloween so emailed her my number and said if she gets bored to call or whatever. So i get a text from her and the whole week after she gets back we text back and forth like about 100 texts. So we deiced to meet and she says her friend and husband have tickets to a comedy show (Which i understand a group thing meeting a person on-line) Any way she was on a 10 day block at work so she said she couldn't stay out late. She was leaning in while she talked, touching my shoulder at times, and even wrapped her arm around my arm one time. Getting a hug before and after the date. saying on a couple occasions that next time we would something more datish. We talk and seem to connect but i could tell both of us were nervous and she talked to her friend allot. Now here's the confusing part, i try to text her and get non-committal answers about are next date then i finally ask if she wants to even talk to me and she says of course? Even says we need to see what our schedules are like so we can go out? but never suggests a date. i might have text-ed her too much like every day lol but she did always text back sometimes not right away. i took a day off and and im wondering if i should just delete her number so i can text her anymore and wait for her to make a move. She did say she got out of a relationship recently so maybe she does like me but doesn't want to rush? I'm really confused here cause i thought it was going o.k

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