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Dating a guy committed a suicide.

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Hello guys! I have recently moved to another country and since few weeks i've started dating a guy. We take the same course at the university.. this is how we met. From the beginning was obvious that there are sparcles between us.. and one thing led to another so we started dating. I'm really falling for him.. we have a lot in common and we have the best time ever, going to concerts, travelling together.. i already met his friends...


But... yeah here comes the "but".. few days ago we were talking about our past realtionships and he told me that in the last 2 years he didint really date anyone.. after having almost 2 years long realtionship with his ex girlfriend. And before her he was dating like lots of girls. So.. about the ex.. he got really uncomfortable talking about her .. he said sth like that she went really crazy and drove him crazy as well. I thought it was some kind of stupid boyfriend-girlfriend stuff and you can imagine how surprised I was seeing the scars on his arm. I don't know what to think now .. he doesn't look like a person who would ever do sth like that .. He said that since they broke up he hasnt spoken to her nor seen her.. and he has no idea where she is now. I didn't ask more .. he was obviously uncomfortable talking about that and I didnt wanted to press him.

I don't know what to do.. I've never known anyone who had tried to sth like that.. i don't know what made him doing it.. i would like to know the reasons..but i dont want to ask.. This is a delicate topic.. sure.. I understand it, but I need to know what has happened in order to give a chance of our relationship. Shall I ask him?

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I think in time, if you guys stay together, he may tell you about his ex, but please dont push him into telling you, he will tell you when he is ready and not before...


Just remember he is with YOU now and not his EX....shes an ex for a reason, so just forget about her and enjoy each other.

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