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Jealous of my gf's besti

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Hello all,


Im a lesbian and i am un comfortable with my gf's best friend. Her bf will see her 5 days outof the week, and i will see my gf for maybe 1 or 2 days if im lucky. one day i was ove rmy gf's house and her bf came unexpectedly and asked my gfr to go to the docs, and my gf said no and now my gf and her bf are arguing because the bef feels shes not there for her and chooses me over her. Now today is out 4 mnth anniversary, and shes spending it with her bf. I ve felt pushed aside for her bf plenty of times, i have an odd feeling about it and im jus sadd now. I feel like her bf has no right to complain to my gf about time wen i barely get any of it!.. NOT TO MENTION.. eveytime theres sumn wrong.. she runs to her and not me.. i jus dunno.. i jus dunno wut to do and idk if im crazy or not but plz help!

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Seems kind of odd her frriend shoul be happy for her maybe she just wants her to her self or she might be a little jelous.Have you said anything to your girl friend?

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