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What are your non-standard, non-negotiables when dating someone?

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"Nexting" hmmm... Bah. Hopefully I won't have to go through this for a bit, or ever again. :bunny: But here's a few, anyways...


*bad teeth (sorry). I look at teeth too much.

*if you're more than a 'casual' sports fan you gotta go

*talking too much (and mostly about yourself and/or ex girlfriends)

*realization that the fellow is too darn scrawny after a goodnight hug or just having looked at his cheek bones all night

*KIDS (sorry again)

*not flirting with me enough. I hate to be hit on when I'm in a relationship with someone else, but when I'm single and you're trying to get with me... bring it the **** on. Otherwise I'll figure you're uninterested or way too shy.

*not trying to touch me in some form or fashion (hugging, holding hands). I'm a touchy person. I associate lack of touch with lack of interest, like the above.

*if I'm messier than you are after we've had ribs (or something equally messy). Or if I eat more than you do.

*stupid sounding laughs. Be it girly giggles, santa chuckles, nerdy squeals - whatever.

*I don't do Star Trek fans. Also, I don't go for people that dislike Star Wars.





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