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Good Breakfast Foods - tell me some

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some of the thicker yogurt drinks. Lived off those the two weeks I had the flu, and they actually did the trick because they did a better job coating my stomach. The Stonyfield smoothie has 10 grams of protein to a 10 oz bottle, and Cacique also has 10 grams, but it's a little bit thinner and not as tasty as Stonyfield or Lala. If the Lala drinks had more protein, I'd be in heaven ... that stuff is GOOD.


then there's always carne guisada tacos, the breakfast of champions ... though not too healthy!:love::love::love::love:

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Porridge!! Porridge is my favourite breakfast food ever. Different ways I eat porridge:


- with baked apple and cinammon and vanilla essence and brown sugar

- with sliced banana, blueberries and brown sugar

- with banana and peanut butter... heavennnn

- with honey and an assortment of nuts and banana

- with peanut butter & jam


the list is endless.

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