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recovering jealousy- easy going person

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:bunny: I have had many jealousy issues with my boyfriends ex. Now i have decided to break away from that and become more stable. I want to be the easy going laidback person i use to be like. All of you post great replys that really make you think. I'm writing this for support. Words of wisdom to help me be more easy going. Like a mantra. Thanks..
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:bunny: I pretty laid back. I keep a calm about myself by reminding myself that what seems so important and drastic and full of drama today probably won't even be remembered in a few weeks.


And I like Acuna - matata from the lion king...it always makes me giggle!

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my ex used to say you 'just do it'. you just. stop. doing. it. its helped me to a certian extent but i have to work hard at not reverting to old behaviour.


if that sounds easier said than done, you can create new ways of thinking by acting the way you wish to behave, even if you still think like you currently do your behaviour will begin to follow suit.

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