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i have lost her and i don't know why?

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Me and my girlfriend had been going out for about 2 months and things were going rearly well.


Then out of nowhere see tells me things are going to fast for her and so i agree that we should maybe slow down abit because i care for her so much.


Any way during this period i find out from people that she is "well" flurting with other people. She told me its just some fun and that she rearly loves me.


Then thing is she asks me if we can get serious again because i make her so happy and that she loves me, after a good chat i decide that she is very serious and so decide that yes i would love to get serious with her.


2 Weeks later its all happening again, "things r going 2 fast" when we barley spend anytime together.


She know tells me that she loves me but cant get over her ex, of whom is a very good friend of hers,


I feel like im being used and my heart is broken, I don,t care whats shes done i want to be with her, i am 21 and she is nearly 18 but were both very mature. I know she wants me but is scared of somthing and i cant stand the current situation im in.


I see her now and then but she spends most of her time around her male friends and just seems to call or meet me as a last result. I know i should let go but i have been many a relationship but ive never felt the way i do about her its eating my heart up!!!

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You'll get a lot farther with this lady if you just act a bit more cool about the whole situation. She is confused, immature and very young. She may seem mature to you...but I unconditionally guarantee she is not and her behavior proves it.


Your interest in her has multiplied since she began her eratic behavior. She's still caught up emotionally with her ex. She has a lot of guy friends that fulfill some of her needs. She is confused and needs some space. But her behavior, which indicates a reduced interest in the relationship, has sure aroused your attention...which proves my point.


If you stop having so much to do with her...and STOP discussing your love and your relationship with her, things can easily improve. A girl of her age is looking for some spark, some challenge, some unpredictability. You have been way too nice, way too available, and you told her you loved her way too soon...all those are big turn offs to an 18 year old girl who's looking for a MAN to give her a run for her money.


Whether you end up with this lady or any other, you absolutely must learn and practice what I am saying here. You will succeed far more often in love if you develop an attitude that if it works fine and if it doesn't it's no big deal. I'm moving on. Don't let any lady feel like she's got you wrapped up in her hand...ladies don't like that at all. They want a MAN who is going to take charge...a MAN that is in charge of his emotions and, BELIEVE IT OR NOT...AND YOU HEARD IT FIRST RIGHT HERE...AND THE WOMEN WON'T ADMIT IT...but most ladies find it really attractive when they know the guy could do just fine without them. It makes them work harder for the relationship and it makes them feel more secure that the man won't become lovesick and a burden in the future.


So, I let the cat out of the bag. You can take charge of your life and your loves or you can remain lovesick and lose every time. The decision is yours.

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